and to to the previous posters it's the funny image thread, if you don't like it don't log on.
here's a bit of lou to make you really think
and to to the previous posters it's the funny image thread, if you don't like it don't log on.
I think terry or lofty has a new log in...
and to to the previous posters it's the funny image thread, if you don't like it don't log on.
I think terry or lofty has a new log in...
Must be lofty. Terry would be pimping ozone.
Thats the best description of the E - I - R and ohms law i have seen in thirty eight years of trying to explain it to the 'lay' person.
And by the way, It is correct.
Thats the best description of the E - I - R and ohms law i have seen in thirty eight years of trying to explain it to the 'lay' person. And by the way, It is correct.
oh no it isn't. You must be an electrician. they teach 'conventional'current flow. The volts should be on the right, looking pretty/ attractive. current flows from earth to the potential. Not the other way around.
but still a good explanation for the laypoerson
Thats the best description of the E - I - R and ohms law i have seen in thirty eight years of trying to explain it to the 'lay' person. And by the way, It is correct.
oh no it isn't. You must be an electrician. they teach 'conventional'current flow. The volts should be on the right, looking pretty/ attractive. current flows from earth to the potential. Not the other way around.
but still a good explanation for the laypoerson
Current is taken as flowing from positive to negative, even though the electrons might be flowing the other way. So the diagram is correct.
Best diagram ever, btw
Current is taken as flowing from positive to negative, even though the electrons might be flowing the other way
like myusername, I was ejumikated to ignore the conventional current flow diagrams on the components as it was now (then) considered defunct, electron current flow was gospel, and learn to read/diagnose the circuit in reverse (1990-1991)
maybe it's like english, where one teacher tells you it's okay to start a sentence with "But or And" and another says it's a no no
Current is taken as flowing from positive to negative, even though the electrons might be flowing the other way
like myusername, I was ejumikated to ignore the conventional current flow diagrams on the components as it was now (then) considered defunct, electron current flow was gospel, and learn to read/diagnose the circuit in reverse (1990-1991)
maybe it's like english, where one teacher tells you it's okay to start a sentence with "But or And" and another says it's a no no
To quiet the quarrel about current I may only say that maybe yours misunderstanding come from assumption that only electrons are responsible for current, but there are electrolytes, plasma, and semiconductors....(?) so that is simply convention, agreed status quo
Ahh, fellers so much talk about current , what do I know about current! when I turn the switch on the light comes on "current" simple.........
Yes the first guess was the wrong way around. But i agree with Macro. Current is current, doesn't matter whether it's negative electrons or positive holes, ( unless you're designing a revolutionary semi-conductor I suppose?). But these days wouldn't most current be in semi-conductors? As positive holes? In which case the first guess was right after all? Thought I had this sorted, now I don't know, thanks Macro.
For once youtube doesn't help.
look put it to bed
they were wrong about the flow of current
they were wrong about the magnetic properties of voltage
they know this now, but mass correction was rendered as unnecessary as it makes no difference to the math and it seems to confuse some
as for marcos assertion that current is not always the flow of electrons. .....well, unless you've discovered matter on this planet that isnt made up of atoms.......what's that, oh you havent discovered that yet, then current is still only made up as a measure of columbs which is a measure of electrons flowing past a point......
end of lesson
I am not sure what are you ranting about but you sir did well for your first post collecting that many red thumbs! I am sure even Milsy and Logman did not perform that good!
Hands up who focused on the red wire looking for the first electron.
Was that a Higgs Boson shooting off to the left?
Current is taken as flowing from positive to negative, even though the electrons might be flowing the other way
like myusername, I was ejumikated to ignore the conventional current flow diagrams on the components as it was now (then) considered defunct, electron current flow was gospel, and learn to read/diagnose the circuit in reverse (1990-1991)
maybe it's like english, where one teacher tells you it's okay to start a sentence with "But or And" and another says it's a no no
Eh? Where were you ekjumikated that? When was it considered defunct? I've got a piece of paper somewhere that says I qualified as an Electrical/Electronic Engineer in 2001 and it certainly wasn't defunct then.
Positive current, by convention, is the rate of flow of positive charge, that's all there is to it.