and to to the previous posters it's the funny image thread, if you don't like it don't log on.
here's a bit of lou to make you really think
Thats the best description of the E - I - R and ohms law i have seen in thirty eight years of trying to explain it to the 'lay' person.
And by the way, It is correct.
Ahh, fellers so much talk about current , what do I know about current! when I turn the switch on the light comes on "current" simple.........
Yes the first guess was the wrong way around. But i agree with Macro. Current is current, doesn't matter whether it's negative electrons or positive holes, ( unless you're designing a revolutionary semi-conductor I suppose?). But these days wouldn't most current be in semi-conductors? As positive holes? In which case the first guess was right after all? Thought I had this sorted, now I don't know, thanks Macro.
For once youtube doesn't help.