Please prepare by viewing examples below of expected standards of conversational etiquette and behavior before proceeding. Thanks & have a nice day
Don't do it , you'll become one of them .
I went there once , and just made it out , I still have nightmares.
No need to, the general section is now the HW section. All topics are flat earth, climate, trump, ... I'm tired just writing this.
I'm reasonably certain HW is the first example of a singularity initiating on earth. Well done on escaping Imax1 and may your recovery be swift.
You'll need a tinfoil hat, protective goggles, elbow-length hazmat gloves, 20 litres of hospital-strength disinfectant, and a shovel.
Also turn off your bull**** meter. You won't be able to read or think with the noise of the Extreme BS Alarm screaming.
Thanks Brent , I think I'll be OK.
The problem is as Gazuki warns and old fart knows , The tin foil hatters are trying to get to us without us knowing.
Im scared , of slipping into the , that side.
You'll need a tinfoil hat, protective goggles, elbow-length hazmat gloves, 20 litres of hospital-strength disinfectant, and a shovel.
Also turn off your bull**** meter. You won't be able to read or think with the noise of the Extreme BS Alarm screaming.
I have 20 litres of 85% moonshine . Will that work ?
A year or so went there , still paying for counselling.
Plus I forced me into kite foiling and now Windwing.
A year or so went there , still paying for counselling.
Plus I forced me into kite foiling and now Windwing.
See , that's exactly what can happen . One day your a happy windsurfer , then boom , your windwinging .
It can happen that fast.
Next your having lunch with Pete and Lotto.
What time for lunch tomorrow kitty cat
Pete wont come out till after 1pm as the chem trails aren't as thick in the arvos.
Please prepare by viewing examples below of expected standards of conversational etiquette and behavior before proceeding. Thanks & have a nice day
^^^All completely relevant and representative of heavy weather.
one of my favourite bits from the young ones there
You're from Queensland so it ll be just another day at the water cooler
Everytime I pray to the porcelain god that is HW, I smell the undeniable, natural logic of redhead fishshop owners and the eternal teachings of Sir Joh.
That is the sort of thing loggy would say. I am not sure if SB has condemned him to HW only or not yet.