^^^ Sorry mate, rubbish
There was people who could say the sky is blue and they'd get redthumbed by the idiot troll with a vendetta.
It destroyed the friendly tone of the place and confused noobs with a simple question.
Laurie got sick of me submitting these every time I got red thumbed not to mention all the money I spent on counselling.......
Leave the red thumbs out . Nobody cares for hate there is enough of it in this world already
Good move. As someone said if you got something to say That is counter to an opinion say it. Stand by your argument rather than hide behind red thumbs. Red thumbs create a childish kangaroo court type mentality.
want to disagree, step up, let's read a well constructed argument.
I've certainly got my share of red thumbs on this forum.
It never affected me....
It never affected me....
It never affected me....
derp derp derp
Now that there's no red thumbs,
I never give green thumbs to folks anymore.
I've become uncaring and apathetic.
The red thumbs ban has changed my life.
Without Reds, Greens are pointless..
No wait we are in election mode ATM.
Maybe they are the same????????????????
Personally I'd prefer no red or green. Just say what ya wanna say. End of story. ive seen far too many potential conversations where one can learn something destroyed by red thumbing ass wipes. Also when someone says something incorrct from ignorance or downright stupid, it's great to read the replies From those with the balls to make a reply. Cuts out the whack offs who give nothing, read and just thumb away. Useless sh1ts.
Please Mr Seabreeze can we have red thumbs back in just the "top joke" thread?
Some of the jokes are just that, very crappy
Is that a red thumb I see ????
So the reds have been gone awhile now, has anything changed ????
Its probably changed for the boss, not getting people crying to him that they got red thumbed. lol
This is hilarious!
I suspect an in-house joke by the mods, allowing those usual red thumbers to still hit the button, furiously clicking away thinking it's not registering anywhere, yet telling a story. LOL
Good on them I say, and enjoy the laugh.
ahhhhhh, yeeessssss, thats the stuff,,,,,,,,,,oh how I miss the drug which is red. I bet I know the usual red thumber furiously smashing that button with his fist too. lol.
^^^^^Yeah my mum warned me never to click on a link from anonymous strangers on the interwebs. Stranger Danger dude.
But feel free to explain what the link is, mods would probly prefer that you did that instead of leading people away from their web site.
Dont know what ya banging on about this time but, thanks mate.
Its not a link to one of your dirty porno sites again is it ??
^^^ sorry Kozmeister
I went looking for an actual excerpt from the DSM that did not require an actual subscription (a 600 page medical reference book, when found online, will not be free to access if you have to pay $100 for the printed version every year)
but hey, i am sure you can see the humour, albeit minor, in suggesting Loto is paranoid about the redthumbs he gets and who dishes them out. Just in case you or he are not familiar, the DSM lists diagnoses for common mental illnesses. Like being paranoid (see the segue there..?)
Because instead of red thumbs, poor Loto gets smashed with a red fisting or something. His imagination, not mine.