well its near winter and i need to replenish my fav South Australian wines
Bustardo and Tawny Port, here's the problem i buy in 2ltr glass flagons
but this year i am going travelling and glass being round and fragile is out
They do not make same in cask, so somehow i need to decant into what?
I have thought empty 2ltr milk containers, it only needs to keep for 3 mths at most
Other than transporting within the gut, what would be your recommendations,
needs to be square, thick walled container of 2 liter variety.......
Milk containers are not a safe option, the necks on them are quite fragile, the thin walled plastics break down pretty quickly, and they are not air tight.
Got any old domesto's bottles, dish washing liquid bottles (make sure they are well cleaned out obviously).
Even soft drink bottles with the wads in them as they will seal air tight.
the Illapara Winery in the Barossa do a five and ten liter plastic container for their bulk port 138 Barossa Valley Way nice port as well :)
This is what you want - make your wife/girlfriend wear it or yourself if you are that way inclined...
Seriously though, this is what you are looking for....
My old man uses them to get his good wine onto cruise ships. If you are careful you can get a bottle of wine into one with very little exposure to air...
Why not see if they (Wine Company) supply the empty goon bags and you can decant into that?
Either that or visit a rockingham/salisbury/frankston etc.., park on a saturday morning - there's always plenty of empty goon bags there.
You could go to your local spa shop and get a couple of spa pillows then fill up.
They are just fancy goon bags covered in a vinyl removeable cover you could get a bunch of them and use as cushions
Use a wine bottle to store your favorite wine and its taste. Wine bottles are available in many shapes, size and storage capacity. You can easily buy one in an online store (www.ikoala.com.au/product/37659/wine-bottle-vacuum-sealer-pump-with-2-bottle-stoppers) or at any physical store.
That's hilarious.
"Open your wine bottle, pour it into a wine bottle, then use our stopper. That'll solve your problem!"