Isn't it awkward when you think your free to let one rip, only to discover there is someone within the blast radius staring at you...I don't know whether to smile or sniff the air
I love the one about the old couple sitting in church, and the old dear quietly whispers to her husband, "I just did a silent fart, what do you think I should do?"
To which he replies,"buy a new battery for your hearing aid!"
its bad when you're on a customers site and you're alone so you fart. sure fire way to get them to walk in the door and start talking to you
Or in an empty aisle at Bunnings probably walked into as many as I have dropped though I do like to drop them in elevators and ask if anyone else can smell petrol.
Oh man. The worst is when in the middle of the night you let rip a stench bomb, proceed to Dutch oven it and you then remember the beauty that's in bed with you that you forgot.
I find & the missues is the same that going into supercheap autos have the effect of bringing on farts .
Im thinking there must be some chemicals in the air there that trigger it & I'm wondering if other's have similar experiences.
Was in Bali last week and lets just say..... For the first couple of days... farting was not my friend....