Forums > Kitesurfing Foiling

Axis S foil 680 Front wing back wing 440

Created by Gone to dark side > 9 months ago, 19 Apr 2020
Gone to dark side
NSW, 390 posts
19 Apr 2020 4:04PM
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This is my first foil I got this at the the same time as I got the board Slingshot Allen air. I have had a lot of front foot pressure from the start.Did a lot of modes to get this to work for me. Moved foil all the way back then drilled out two of the countersink hole to move it further back. Got the slingshot hook foot strap had that facing for-would. Had advices from axis had the wedge on the back wing .Got it working fine happy with the board .
Turns out board and foil don't rely work together needed track to be further back.
Just gone and changed the back wing to a 340 this has made a good improvement .
Heads up if your looking at getting a axis foil look into getting a smaller back wing 340 or 370 with the foil. Very happy with the axis foil looking into sub foiling and only need to change front wing.

QLD, 6493 posts
19 Apr 2020 9:23PM
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Alien Air is a terrible board: way, way too big in all dimensions.

Tracks and mast placement are a very subjective thing. I ride all the Axis foils I've tried all the way forwards on all my boards

Smaller stab is indeed better. Shorter fuse is better again

NSW, 1030 posts
20 Apr 2020 11:39AM
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The Slingshot track is too far forward for Axis foils, it's a well known issue. I have mine right at the back with the 680/400 and my front foot is still forward of the foot strap holes.

Kamikuza uses the Slingshot DW micro board so the track is much further back on the board.

I keep hearing good things about the 370 rear...

QLD, 6493 posts
20 Apr 2020 7:48PM
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Alysum said..
The Slingshot track is too far forward for Axis foils, it's a well known issue. I have mine right at the back with the 680/400 and my front foot is still forward of the foot strap holes.

Kamikuza uses the Slingshot DW micro board so the track is much further back on the board.

I keep hearing good things about the 370 rear...

Way too far back I have the mast all the way forward, my back foot at least in the middle of the strap holes, and tend to move it back. Front foot goes anywhere from in front of the holes to behind the front holes, usually in the middle. I don't like the "narrow" feeling of the stance with the mast put any further back.

WA, 610 posts
30 Apr 2020 10:59AM
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I have the 680 / 400 combo with 68.5cm fuse (short) for kiting. Absolutely love it.

NSW, 1030 posts
30 Apr 2020 4:14PM
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jamesperth said..
I have the 680 / 400 combo with 68.5cm fuse (short) for kiting. Absolutely love it.

Yup same. It's good but could be a bit looser, I guess that's what the smaller stabs are for

WA, 3486 posts
17 Jun 2020 12:16AM
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Alysum said..

jamesperth said..
I have the 680 / 400 combo with 68.5cm fuse (short) for kiting. Absolutely love it.

Yup same. It's good but could be a bit looser, I guess that's what the smaller stabs are for

I tried it for the first time with the 460 stab the other day, heaps looser and faster.

Ultra short fuse is looser again.

NSW, 1030 posts
19 Jun 2020 5:14PM
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tightlines said..

Alysum said..

jamesperth said..
I have the 680 / 400 combo with 68.5cm fuse (short) for kiting. Absolutely love it.

Yup same. It's good but could be a bit looser, I guess that's what the smaller stabs are for

I tried it for the first time with the 460 stab the other day, heaps looser and faster.

Ultra short fuse is looser again.

How would the 460 be looser and faster than a smaller 400 ?

QLD, 6493 posts
19 Jun 2020 10:47PM
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Alysum said..
How would the 460 be looser and faster than a smaller 400 ?

No. Yes.

It'll be more stable cos it's bigger* so you can go faster -- I can't go as fast with the Short fuse and 380 stab as I could with the Regular and 440...

*Isn't it? Axis wings are AFAIK named for their span...

WA, 3486 posts
20 Jun 2020 7:23PM
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Alysum said..

tightlines said..

Alysum said..

jamesperth said..
I have the 680 / 400 combo with 68.5cm fuse (short) for kiting. Absolutely love it.

Yup same. It's good but could be a bit looser, I guess that's what the smaller stabs are for

I tried it for the first time with the 460 stab the other day, heaps looser and faster.

Ultra short fuse is looser again.

How would the 460 be looser and faster than a smaller 400 ?

Probably hard to see in the photo but 460 is way less surface area, thinner chord and way thinner in thickness, plus straight rather than turned up wing tips.

Way less drag.

NSW, 1030 posts
22 Jun 2020 3:59PM
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Great information thanks !

Which should be my next stab size for me for winging with the 1000 and kite foiling on the 680 for more speed ? Only have the 400 on short fuse. 460, 370, 390... ?

QLD, 6493 posts
22 Jun 2020 8:37PM
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Alysum said..
Great information thanks !

Which should be my next stab size for me for winging with the 1000 and kite foiling on the 680 for more speed ? Only have the 400 on short fuse. 460, 370, 390... ?

I liked the 680 + Ultra Short + 400. But the 370 and US was too twitchy, but 370 is great with the Short fuse and big wings. Makes the 820 much more agile.

Can't speak to speed -- I think because the S + 370 is looser, I can't go as fast as I could with the Regular and 440. But it carves so much better, so I don't care :D

WA, 3486 posts
23 Jun 2020 8:22AM
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Alysum said..
Great information thanks !

Which should be my next stab size for me for winging with the 1000 and kite foiling on the 680 for more speed ? Only have the 400 on short fuse. 460, 370, 390... ?

Speed = 460.

NSW, 1030 posts
29 Jun 2020 2:16PM
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Ended up getting the 390, as it sounds good for the winding, will report back !

QLD, 6493 posts
29 Jun 2020 5:58PM
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Alysum said..
Ended up getting the 390, as it sounds good for the winding, will report back !

390 GAP, the upside down wing? Do report back. If you don't like it, I'll buy it :D

I seem to remember thinking it was too loose in a straight line, too locked in when carving...maybe it was the other way around...

NSW, 1030 posts
22 Sep 2020 10:16AM
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Has anyone experimented with shims yet when kite foiling ?

QLD, 233 posts
27 Sep 2020 10:35AM
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390 stab with 680 front work well for me as rear almost never breaches due to design.

NSW, 1030 posts
20 Oct 2020 11:45AM
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scotty100 said..
390 stab with 680 front work well for me as rear almost never breaches due to design.

It is indeed a very stable combo ! I do need to test my 390GAP back to back with my 400 to really notice the differences but definitely fewer breaches.

NSW, 1030 posts
20 Oct 2020 11:46AM
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Looks like there's a 420 flat stab coming out too.


Forums > Kitesurfing Foiling

"Axis S foil 680 Front wing back wing 440" started by Gone to dark side