Forums > Kitesurfing Foiling

LF galaxy advice pleeeze

Created by kyrojoe > 9 months ago, 28 Oct 2020
WA, 33 posts
28 Oct 2020 9:39PM
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the LF Galaxy 4ft2 kitefoil board ... I've heard a few other owners state that one or more of the triple insert "sets" come loose under the "laminate" of fiberglass... or plastic sheet..? as one guy here wrote.

I just purchased a barely used 4ft2 model in Hood River (now I know why the guy was so stoked that I bought it) which takes on water (and then leaks it out) from the center front set of three inserts. all the rest seem to be anchored well but the front center three all move together as one.. when I thread a bolt into one of them and wiggle it... all three move together. no way to know this when I bought it... I've never in 20 years of kiting had inserts that slide around like this and never thought to check it.. the REST Of the board is mint.

So it's pretty obvious they are just set into a piece of high density foam which is then epoxied into the core. has anyone here had this situation who might give us an idea on best way tu fix?

First I had thought of drilling a tiny hole on either side of the inserts and injecting epoxy resin with a syringe and keep my fingers crossed.. but I don't really have much hope that will work

. if I take it to surfboard repair guy... Will he tell me the top "laminate" is just a sheet of plastic? or is it, as you guys are talking about.. actuality fiberglass??

We are talking about the very ubiquitous LF GALAXY 4ft2 here now... NOT the Orb.

I really enjoy having the front footstrap.. mostly for entering the ocean when there are alot of waves and using as a handle when body dragging.. specially when wind dies and looping kite while dragging back in... so it's kind of an issue.. I know I could just fill those holes up with silicon and ride it but from what I hear this is a common issue with these boards and maybe someone has a good trick for a somewhat easy fix???

thanx in advance,!!

NSW, 410 posts
12 Nov 2020 2:31PM
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Is it the 2019 galaxy with the star pattern,there was a batch of faulty ones and they replace them with the 2020 model straight swap,they will ask for the number of the board, super hard to see but it's on the tail rail


Forums > Kitesurfing Foiling

"LF galaxy advice pleeeze" started by kyrojoe