Any tips from guys on bigger/racing kites on the transition from downwind to upwind? I find it takes me a long time - I have to burn off speed and put the kite high in the sky to round up. With the kite low, I find it too powered to get to the upwind angles. Is this just how it is or do I need to throw bar and depower or something? Wondering how racers do it.
Hey Ridgy,
Doing from flat out DW to upwind around a marker is always challenging. Having a bar with plenty of depower throw and a kite with plenty of depower helps enormously. Having a long mast and no ventilation also allows you to push super hard against the kite when rounding.
At about 100m to the mark, bring your kite up high, sheet out and carve the foil around the mark with your weight out on the upwind rail. As you round, the kite will automatically drop down into the lower upwind position. Keep the kite sheeted out until it moves upwind into the upwind position then sheet in appropriately.
Keep your weight forward when rounding the mark and the mast deep so you don't inadvertantly breach when turning into the chop.