Just wondering how the life jacket regulations line up?
SUP no life jacket but kite and windsurfng require life jackets.
Always remember no life jacket required when swimming.
PFDs are not legally required for kitesurfing or windsurfing when less than 400 meters from shore in NSW. Still a good precaution though. You forget it's on with the good newer ones.
....................You forget it's on with the good newer ones.^^^^
ha ha that's what the marketer's of condoms said
PFDs are not legally required for kitesurfing or windsurfing when less than 400 meters from shore in NSW. Still a good precaution though. You forget it's on with the good newer ones.
However, if on your own need to wear.
It's ok to swim out to a moored boat without a life jacket but if alone in a dingy one must wear a life Jacket.
I find it hard swimming to our boat with a backpack on full of essentials.
Should wingfoiling topics be in the kitefoiling section or windfoiling section?
Which one does not require life jackets?
By the way I mostly wear an impact vest and with my wetsuit and natural built in body flotation I float like a cork.