That's it. I heard the name Johnno Keys and Marvin Baumeister, but I'm not sure if they were second and third or third and fourth.
Oliver had a seat harness and big north kite and a normal race board. Second had a hydrofoil and a chrono so im guessing that was marvin since he's always frothing about foils and cronos!
Does anyone know who was photographing from the helicopter?
I would love to steal/buy a sick photo from a proper SLR for my wall. Ideally with Freo cranes in the background!
Crew! What an amazing day - the best ever and the fastest too.
I confirm all the results are available here: A very special thanks goes to the team at Sportspage.
Go to SAILING section, then WA Kite Surfing Association, click on Results ...
By way of a summary and to correct/ reconfirm the results at the beach:
2ND KIM LEMA, 27:58
2ND PAT BANKS, 28:43
Great rockn day, congrats to winners and WA kiters, Johnno, Pat and heros Enjoy the party.
What's the story with the women's division, my mate got awarded 3rd and then you guys changed your mind?
I have had a look at the Go Pro footage, got some great footage of the start. Will post later.
Congrats to eveyone.
My back leg is still buring like a house on fire.
The best sporting event I have ever participated in. EVER!
Cheers Tim/ WAKSA
Big props to Tim and all the organisers for putting on such a well coordinated event.
Big thanks to all the WAKSA volunteers for helping too
Oh and thanks to the guys on the beach at Rotto who helped to drain the water out of my foil kite...
Congratulations to organisers/volunteers and safety crew for running a successful event for 2014!!! To all the competitiors- thanks for making the vibe so cruisey, I had soooo much FUN from start of the day all the way through to the finish line.
Cheers to to ry for the kite and Kent for the board i borrowed!
Note: i I can hardly walk today I dont know about anyone else.
That gopro footage is Sick.
Can anyone from the front pack explain what happened in terms of strategy? It looked like the 3 guys broke off by taking a more downwind path, and then cut hard across or even slightly upwind at the end?
... How cool, conditions look epic and fast, one of our Darwin crew got 14th too,,,, well done James!!
Robbie ;)
Awesome day from beginning to end - thanks to sponsors , organisers, volunteers and the other kiters who like me just had fun.
i missed the 9 News coverage at 6pm - anyone know how to get the podcast or link to it?
Marv and Ollie got cracker starts and were 500m in front of me by 2km as i got blocked on start and missed start by 20 seconds by 3 twin tippers who were waiting for the green start flag and I was up against rocks at the natural getty and couldn't get past them as they just bobbed about under their kites - but thats racing - From what I could see upwind and behind them Ollie was covering Marv and as a result they drifted north and went below the to ships in gauge roads - so decided about 1/4 way to go above the ships more south as the wind was a touch patchy in places and I was hoping to catch the boyz on a more down wind reach with more speed from half way just past the ships - Marv had a bit of a crash at about 3/4 through race and Ollie pulled away away from him - I was making up heaps of ground on Marv with more speed down wind and ran out of time as Marv crossed about 40 seconds in front of me. I got a shocker start and passed Jordon , Dale and about 6 others after about 4km from start and I had a handful trying to pass Enouer on his Spotz foil as he was smoking fast and handling the small chop with ease and he was faster in the choppy areas and was faster in the long smooth zones - I tried to put a bit of pressure on Enouer by pushing up into him from below then he was down as his foil hit some weed - I just pushed hard to the end from half way and knew Enouer was just behind me but as I was fast on my favourite down wind reach I keep him behind me and also keep my kite low for the last 500m and covered the windward side of start line so he couldn't pass above wind and it would make it difficult to pass under my kite below wind as I could disturb his wind - I never look behind as it was to risky at full speed and a fall
is very possible. I crossed the line at 100% speed behind Marv and Enouer was about 80metres behind me about 5 seconds. Behind him was Dr Phil, Alty and Pete.
The race is getting faster as first 4 were under last years record time and the top 8 or so were under the previous record time.
Thanks again to Tim Turner and all the sponsors and team that helped - Fab day out.
Apparently, a boat cut off Marvin as he was neck and neck with Ollie, which robbed him of being 1st again. Any witnesses to what actually happened there?
But well done for our local doing us proud Marvs!
There are a hundred past stories from past racers in every L2L race of kite tangles on beach, kite tangles on the start line, random pleasure, dive, commercial boats just cutting people off in the middle of gague roads, huge container ships just parking in front of fleet before race and creating massive wind shadows, broken bones in feet, - etc, etc that's just part of racing in the L2L -
sorry and I forgot to mention the weed, the most common comment after the L2L "I crashed 3,4,5,6,7,8 times because of the weed other wise I would have won. Everyone has been robbed in the L2L.
All kite racers started at 2.30 sharp and then finished in order after Ollie 1st over the finish line in 22.07minutes and that's, that -
Its an open ocean race through an active shipping lane for 19km - that's the great thing about this race - it has REAL BIG HAZARDS in a big, deep, blue, beautiful Indian ocean.
This is what makes the L2L such an epic world class race - and very, very hard to win
A boat also cut through the field about halfway through the pack, I surely was going to win if it didn't do that
Was such a great race. Such a fun day.
Queenslander! Kick ass marvin! Well done mate this really seals the deal for Geelong, Townsville also has better kite racers than them(s)!
Well said Jonno.
Just play it as it lies and hopefully you get a good result. It was my first time and I had a blast! I learnt a LOT in the first 5 minutes and will (hopefully) be back next year.
Heres my vid of the race. Its probably a bit long but theres some good footage of getting squeezed from above and below after the start - and spat out the back!