Forums > Kitesurfing General

Brad Hampson's Heavy Water Session Tips

Created by FreeBilly > 9 months ago, 22 Dec 2014
WA, 12 posts
22 Dec 2014 5:53PM
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Interesting thoughts form Brad Hampson on approaching big condition sessions. Thought some guys who might be looking to extend themselves could consider a few of these first -

NSW, 2707 posts
22 Dec 2014 11:35PM
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Good one Brad! Such a sick wave; my mate just saw it over my shoulder and was like "awwwwweeee, mad-dog!".

QLD, 3665 posts
23 Dec 2014 7:00AM
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Wasnt he flying a North that day? haha

Gone to dark side
NSW, 391 posts
23 Dec 2014 8:40AM
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Good reading Brad

NSW, 1651 posts
23 Dec 2014 11:03AM
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sage advice

NSW, 2707 posts
23 Dec 2014 11:21AM
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bjw said..
Wasnt he flying a North that day? haha

looks like a Reo to me?

NSW, 638 posts
23 Dec 2014 11:34AM
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great shot looks like he's jumped out of a plane

WA, 4263 posts
23 Dec 2014 5:08PM
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FreeBilly said..
Interesting thoughts form Brad Hampson on approaching big condition sessions. Thought some guys who might be looking to extend themselves could consider a few of these first -

I read in Brad's safety tips that he advised against using a leggie for heavy water sessions.

I wonder what his thoughts are regarding death-leashes in waves like the above pic ?

Curious to know if he tethers himself to his kite when riding waves of this power and size ?

QLD, 3665 posts
24 Dec 2014 8:52AM
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Any more pics from the day?

WA, 103 posts
24 Dec 2014 7:01AM
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waveslave said..

FreeBilly said..
Interesting thoughts form Brad Hampson on approaching big condition sessions. Thought some guys who might be looking to extend themselves could consider a few of these first -

I read in Brad's safety tips that he advised against using a leggie for heavy water sessions.

I wonder what his thoughts are regarding death-leashes in waves like the above pic ?

Curious to know if he tethers himself to his kite when riding waves of this power and size ?

You're Only Tethered if there's no Quick Release!

NSW, 527 posts
24 Dec 2014 10:09AM
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Yep, for sure i connect and disconnect the safety quite often when it's big

definitely on when launching...

Off when getting thru the shore break

and back on when doing the big up wind tack

and on when landing

I use the new short ozone one which is great for nonunhookers… hookers??

WA, 1916 posts
24 Dec 2014 10:44AM
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do you body drag in through that shore break ^^^ if you lose your board????

WA, 4263 posts
24 Dec 2014 11:46AM
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Poida said..
do you body drag in through that shore break ^^^ if you lose your board????

* Rule No 2

When bodydragging towards the shore in heavy broken water, ^^^

always swing your kite towards the horizon just before the foamie hits you ...

otherwise the lines will go slack,

making the kite fall from the sky.

* Rule No 1

Never down your kite in the surf zone.


WA, 1916 posts
24 Dec 2014 12:46PM
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head for the channel asap, for some R&R, wouldn't want too many of those sets on the head


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Brad Hampson's Heavy Water Session Tips" started by FreeBilly