Anyone want to join my church? PM me and I will tell you where to send your seed money.
Remember "The Great Wind God Says" sow and you shall reap more wind!
They have no soul. How the **** can you rip off little old ladies, poor people, people who are dying/cancer stricken etc
Had a friend find out that her mother had been transferring many $ to these ****s
Get it registered for the next census...I suppose we could all just write your church in the 'other' colomn.
What are your main doctrines for your fellow worshipers to follow ....??
Mmmm plummet that would imply a more pagan style multi God approach. Considering wind is the central thematic prose for our belief system I feel it could be possible. But our guru needs to decide really. Maybe a sizeable donation may assist.
Must admit above sounds as reasonable as any organised religion.
But you need a punch line ... A hook.... Damn rising from the dead in three days seems to have done it for a few thousand years. That's a lot of time for that hocus pocus story to survive.
Something that delineates our God from ANY other and as such we are the sole possessers of the truth.
Once we got that we can mame, steal and even kill (the more heathers the better really) because we are right.
Ya need a punch line and hook to our God. Then the money will roll in ... Just ask the guys in the Vatican.
Ooh now you are getting somewhere, every religion needs some kind of benign and totally incomprehensible ritual. Your frisbee based idea is
Perfect and a damn lot fun compared to a tedious mass where one finishes it and exclaims 'thank god that's over '
With apologies!
Our Father, who has wind in heaven
Hallowed be thy Wind, and the swell that Will come
Thy wind will be on the beach
As it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily blast
And forgive us our drop ins
As we forgive them that snake against us
And lead us not into mega loops
But deliver us from death loops
For thine is the wind and waves
The boost and the slash
For ever and ever.
Suckering others to pay you just seemed mean. The part I found amazing was how this could be used as a tax trick. You don't need others to pay you.
Just make a church, donate most of your salary to it (for a tax deduction), use the church's money to pay your bills.
Bingo, you've cut your income tax down to zero!
John Oliver showed this tax strategy is viable in the US; I suspect the Australian Tax Office wouldn't fall for it as easily. The ATO is better funded (does more tax audits), and I suspect uses its general anti-avoidance provisions more easily than America's IRS does.
Also, now that this church is established and awesome, it needs a good schism.
The old-school Kitero hardliners, vs the Zephyrus/Huey West Coast down-the-line sect...
Why should kitebt take all the religious glory and money!
I am splintering off creating my own imaginary friend.
Stuff you east coasters I'm only interested in westerlies.... With the occasional SE.
So join pope Plummet now become a zephyrion now and pray for westerly winds.
Now remember any good god needs a sacrifice and suffering....
As we all know you need a sacrifice in the form of either a virgin or a goat. Even better yet a virgin goat will give you the most bang for your buck for a sacrifice.
Don't sacrifice too many virgin goats however. A friend once sacrificed 720 virgin goats prior to a kite event. We got a storm of 50+ knots!....
I have to attend my sons reconciliation mass in a couple of weeks...give me strength....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
i swear Dave, I am going to memoriSe the best use of the Lord's Prayer I've ever seen and I'm gonna use it...
oooh I see an excuse for the first 'holy war' before the churches have even began. This must be the real deal then.
But it's a good idea, nothing better to separate people from their money than to create an enemy.
Good work fellas.
it's picture like above that remind me that we are doomed as a survivable species....
tim Minchin is a genius and Cardinal Powell is a dead set disgrace to are the rest of them.