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Correct launching technique

Created by CowboyWA > 9 months ago, 22 Feb 2014
QLD, 699 posts
26 Feb 2014 11:47AM
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Plummet said..

Using a teather is a good option in clean wind.

Be very careful in turbulent gusty wind. the kite can surge foward and drift back on the teather. when its drifting back it can catch and tip get rolled over and blast through the power zone.

Don't use one of those small ground stakes kazan links. they will just be ripped out of the ground.

In those conditions I find a normal drag launch to be more reliable.

I agree Plums. However, I did forget to mention that the ground stake I use is about 2 feet long and made of wrought iron, with a few twists at the end. I had it made by a local here. So yeah I would NOT use those plastic ones shown, but Blue's stakes are just as good I think (would have to buy one to review properly with all my kites).

WA, 8407 posts
26 Feb 2014 2:07PM
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Kazan said...
I don't know why LEI kite manufacturers don't simply sell one of these with every kite...

It seems only fixed bridle or foil kiters are aware of them and have been using them for years for self landing and launching, and it works a treat. I even saw one guy use a long shovel to do the same thing. He never asked anyone to assist in his kite landings/launchings and was happy as larry!

You seem to of removed a fair bit of your original remark Brest feeder, so I've just reported it for you, as you can see you refer to a , $ 4.99 stake, I have a problem with people remarking to products that they don't use themselves, if someone wants to launch a $1500 dollar kite off one of these then IMHO they need their head feeling, careful who you call a cock head as the are some nutters who might catch up with you and test the holding capacity of that screw anchor you have,preferably at low tide

QLD, 699 posts
26 Feb 2014 10:13PM
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cauncy said..

Kazan said...
I don't know why LEI kite manufacturers don't simply sell one of these with every kite...

It seems only fixed bridle or foil kiters are aware of them and have been using them for years for self landing and launching, and it works a treat. I even saw one guy use a long shovel to do the same thing. He never asked anyone to assist in his kite landings/launchings and was happy as larry!

You seem to of removed a fair bit of your original remark Brest feeder, so I've just reported it for you, as you can see you refer to a , $ 4.99 stake, I have a problem with people remarking to products that they don't use themselves, if someone wants to launch a $1500 dollar kite off one of these then IMHO they need their head feeling, careful who you call a cock head as the are some nutters who might catch up with you and test the holding capacity of that screw anchor you have,preferably at low tide

Bring it on baby!

WA, 8407 posts
26 Feb 2014 9:01PM
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Kazan said..

cauncy said..

Kazan said..

Disagree. I have one (a longer one actually with a screw-cork rod) and it is as solid as a tree! Sometimes I have to dig around the stake to get it out! Saved me a lot of pain, especially with foil kites.

how can you disagree when your comparing 2 totally different kites and products, ill exstend my gratitude to you also with the $4.99 ground stake to launch your kite, ill dig out a photo of what force a kite can produce on a fixed object, also got me f888ed why the hell would you dig it out when you could unscrew it , a bit beyond your brain skills it seems

Get fkd dhead! You're telling me you can't use one of these screw type stakes for ANY kite? You obviously have no clue(less). They can almost hold back a car's force, so they have enough to withstand a kite's 200lb/inch pull. Furthermore, I've used them on both types of LEI and foils and I've only had one situation where the kite took off without me touching the lines. And guess what bird-head? It went from one end of the wind window to the next and crashed. So what? It held the kite there never the less. No harm done to anyone or anything. I simply went over to the lines, hooked in, relaunched and Bob's your uncle.
Furthermore, unscrewing one of them (mine is longer) from the sand takes ages. I'd rather just pull it out and if not, I'd dig it out with my hands until it's loose.

Any further comments from you are simply to win brownie points. Oops I forgot. You're already full of "brownie" points.

you are f88888g very confused one minute your telling people to buy a ground peg then your not, then above youll see that your ground stake can take the force of a car , but you can simply pull it out of the ground, also unscrewing it takes ages but your happy to screw it in, somewhat defies how sand anchor works, maybe your turning it the wrong way, ill put it to you your talking ****e from what im reading , wish I lived near you pal as id be spitting your ears out on your front lawn

WA, 9581 posts
26 Feb 2014 9:05PM
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Steady's just a sand anchor seen from way to many

Gotta love the sea breeze forum users tact and diplomacy...bahahahaha

292 posts
27 Feb 2014 6:36AM
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eppo said..

Steady's just a sand anchor seen from way to many

Gotta love the sea breeze forum users tact and diplomacy...bahahahaha

Hmmmmm, Mediation, you know no bounds senor.

WA, 29 posts
27 Feb 2014 11:32AM
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Watch out Evander !

WA, 908 posts
27 Feb 2014 12:22PM
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cauncy said..

Kazan said..

cauncy said..

Kazan said..

Disagree. I have one (a longer one actually with a screw-cork rod) and it is as solid as a tree! Sometimes I have to dig around the stake to get it out! Saved me a lot of pain, especially with foil kites.

how can you disagree when your comparing 2 totally different kites and products, ill exstend my gratitude to you also with the $4.99 ground stake to launch your kite, ill dig out a photo of what force a kite can produce on a fixed object, also got me f888ed why the hell would you dig it out when you could unscrew it , a bit beyond your brain skills it seems

Get fkd dhead! You're telling me you can't use one of these screw type stakes for ANY kite? You obviously have no clue(less). They can almost hold back a car's force, so they have enough to withstand a kite's 200lb/inch pull. Furthermore, I've used them on both types of LEI and foils and I've only had one situation where the kite took off without me touching the lines. And guess what bird-head? It went from one end of the wind window to the next and crashed. So what? It held the kite there never the less. No harm done to anyone or anything. I simply went over to the lines, hooked in, relaunched and Bob's your uncle.
Furthermore, unscrewing one of them (mine is longer) from the sand takes ages. I'd rather just pull it out and if not, I'd dig it out with my hands until it's loose.

Any further comments from you are simply to win brownie points. Oops I forgot. You're already full of "brownie" points.

you are f88888g very confused one minute your telling people to buy a ground peg then your not, then above youll see that your ground stake can take the force of a car , but you can simply pull it out of the ground, also unscrewing it takes ages but your happy to screw it in, somewhat defies how sand anchor works, maybe your turning it the wrong way, ill put it to you your talking ****e from what im reading , wish I lived near you pal as id be spitting your ears out on your front lawn

What's with all the butthurt?

Where is our mate Mr Soft Serve.. Pls deliver one of your tasty treats for us to diffuse this heated exchange.

The way I see it: Maybe a Seabreeze Mod can play Tina Turner?...

13 posts
28 Feb 2014 2:09PM
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tldr but I sense a severe lack of shaft talk.

QLD, 8 posts
3 Mar 2014 6:02PM
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Bluefalcon888 said..


I have developed a Sand Anchor and it for sale on Trademe in New Zealand
I have sold more than 100 so far and had no complaints.......only praises and search for sand anchor in the kiteboarding section
I have three videos on the site where the anchor is sold and you can watch a typical launch and land, the installation of the anchor and the holding power of the anchor in the sand

I have used mine for more than two years now and it is fantastic as it gives me complete independence to launch and land my kites

I kite two to three times a week and use it every time............


This anchor will give you the freedom to self launch and land your bow kite on the beach when no one is around to assist you. I use this for Cabrinha Crossbow , Switchblade , Liquidforce Envy and Ozone Edge they are all very stable at the edge of the window

Made from 304 Stainless Steel 1 inch tubing and a 120 mm diameter auger

With a length of 380 mm and a weight of only 700 gram this anchor holds extremely well when screwed into the sand with the handle below the sand surface, it's impossible for me to pull it from the sand.

Easy to remove,simply unscrew the anchor from the sand

All that's visible is the leash, float and carabiner when installed properly

Hold Demo

Set Demo

Launch and Land Demo

WA, 2119 posts
3 Mar 2014 6:18PM
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to launch, get in the wind window and pull a line, kite goes up.

To land, in gusty winds or when overpowered. Get your kite low to the ground, pull your quick release and run 45 degrees upwind toward the kite to prevent it rolling too much..... or if really sketchy, dump your kite in the water.

Sand anchors are like wind meters, you think your "gimmick" is cool but everyone else is having a little laugh on the inside. Part of being a kitesurfer is to launch and land safely. All this testosterone fuelled crap mabe shows that you arent as good as you think you are....or are antisocial and hide behind an anonymous user name.

WA, 533 posts
4 Mar 2014 12:06PM
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GMKKiteboard said..
Self Launch / Self Land. It solves all my problems, I try not to rely on strangers and any potential problems. That way I don't Bitch about people helping me launch or land. Life's too short for Negativity.

Saw a self-land go pear-shaped while I mucked about up and down behind the surf break at Middleton Beach, Albany two weeks ago. Bloke used one of those corkscrew things that dig into the beach to secure his kite to land. No dramas until he ran along his lines towards his kite when it bounced, lofted and reached the vertical before it pulled the corkscrew out and 'flew', corkscrew dangling from lines, at about 100ft over the beach dunes, before it was last seen disappearing over Middleton Beach caravan park. From my offshore vantage point about 200m away I could see the poor kiter and his mate standing their hands on their heads. I just pulled the safety and let my kite flop down in the blustery conditions when I self landed about 30mins later. Too many sharp shells on that beach though.

WA, 533 posts
4 Mar 2014 12:08PM
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wombles said..
Oh Here is a pic

Saw a self-land go pear-shaped while I mucked about up and down behind the surf break at Middleton Beach, Albany two weeks ago. Bloke used one of those corkscrew things that dig into the beach to secure his kite to land. No dramas until he ran along his lines towards his kite when it bounced, lofted and reached the vertical before it pulled the corkscrew out and 'flew', corkscrew dangling from lines, at about 100ft over the beach dunes, before it was last seen disappearing over Middleton Beach caravan park. From my offshore vantage point about 200m away I could see the poor kiter and his mate standing their hands on their heads. I just pulled the safety and let my kite flop down in the blustery conditions when I self landed about 30mins later. Too many sharp shells on that beach though.
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WA, 533 posts
4 Mar 2014 3:20PM
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alverstone said..
wombles said..

Oh Here is a pic

Saw a self-land go pear-shaped while I mucked about up and down behind the surf break at Middleton Beach, Albany two weeks ago. Bloke used one of those corkscrew things that dig into the beach to secure his kite to land. No dramas until he ran along his lines towards his kite when it bounced, lofted and reached the vertical before it pulled the corkscrew out and 'flew', corkscrew dangling from lines, at about 100ft over the beach dunes, before it was last seen disappearing over Middleton Beach caravan park. From my offshore vantage point about 200m away I could see the poor kiter and his mate standing their hands on their heads. I just pulled the safety and let my kite flop down in the blustery conditions when I self landed about 30mins later. Too many sharp shells on that beach though.

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Just to make sure you know, I wasn't saying it was this model of sand anchor. Couldn't really see when offshore.

the gibbo
WA, 776 posts
4 Mar 2014 3:56PM
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dave...... said..

to launch, get in the wind window and pull a line, kite goes up.

To land, in gusty winds or when overpowered. Get your kite low to the ground, pull your quick release and run 45 degrees upwind toward the kite to prevent it rolling too much..... or if really sketchy, dump your kite in the water.

Sand anchors are like wind meters, you think your "gimmick" is cool but everyone else is having a little laugh on the inside. Part of being a kitesurfer is to launch and land safely. All this testosterone fuelled crap mabe shows that you arent as good as you think you are....or are antisocial and hide behind an anonymous user name.

Ah, confuscious said listen to oh wise one, he has words of wisdom for all ears who are open to him

WA, 83 posts
4 Mar 2014 6:56PM
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You kites all seem so agro compared to poleys... what's with that? Still a lot of macho in a new sport?

After the big weekend at Melville 60 windsurfers and 40 kites I've been logging on waiting for some story about some clash or other from the kites.

WA, 1019 posts
11 Mar 2014 1:37PM
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Plummet said...
Using a teather is a good option in clean wind.

Be very careful in turbulent gusty wind. the kite can surge foward and drift back on the teather. when its drifting back it can catch and tip get rolled over and blast through the power zone.

Don't use one of those small ground stakes kazan links. they will just be ripped out of the ground.

In those conditions I find a normal drag launch to be more reliable.

Quck question but I got one of the boys at work to make me a tether post that i'm going to put at my local as some of the boys use sand screws and others a bit of fence but what height do you think is optimal? Waist height?.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Correct launching technique" started by CowboyWA