Hi Guys,
As you know i have been active in the past to progress our sport and one of those things is the weather and wave information of the port that has been publicly available since 2006 or so due to my negotiations with the Port of Geraldton. The seabreeze site uses this information to give you the offshore winds.
Now there is another weather station at the Point that can hook in with the seabreeze site and would only take 20 minutes to add.
So I am trying to put some speed to this process as the weather station has been ready for almost 6 monthsr now i believe.
So who would enjoy to get live weather data on the seabreeze site as soon as possible to help with boating fishing and all other watersports? How more replies how better so please voice your opinion!
Dude I give the country a daily reminder on how good our wind is, much to their disgust I might say,
live 24 hrs Midwest wind , now your talking, give it to them
I too vote yes please. Its always been slightly annoying that seabreeze shows only the 10 min gust speed not the average for the port offshore reading also, unlike every other seabreeze chart for the country.
so yeah bring on an extra chart for Gtown and if you could throw in the average speed also that'd be great :)
Do it.
Where is this station? Sea Rescue or that power pole near Greys?
Is there public online access to the station atm?
OK, there's a LONG backstory here -- Laurie has been SUPER supportive of efforts to get this thing online and he's not been the hold up with this.
It's only gone to him in the last few weeks and I can promise you it will be sorted SOON. :-)
Once this is done and dusted, I'm going to post the entire email trail of what it'st taken to get this thing online over the past 18 months, so everyone can appreciate how much kudos we ALL owe to Laurie for making this whole Seabreeze Wind reporting site possible.
I can guarantee you that NO ONE has ANY IDEA of how much effort is involved in what Laurie has done on SeaBreeze to provide you with what we all enjoy, and unless I'd been personally involved, I would have had no idea either. HUNDREDS of hours of work goes into getting all the stars aligned to make even one weather station available on this site. It is a HERCULEAN task -- Laurie has my greatest respect.
SO, HATS OFF TO LAURIE -- When he gets some bandwidth to finish of the last bit of configuration code, we will have a permanent weather station at Point Moore; and then I will tell you about all the other people who have volunteered their time, equipment, talents and services to make this all happen!
Still a few technical issues. Looks like the wind direction sensor has gone wonky so going in call in and have a look at it on the weekend. This one has been a real challenge to get sorted, but it will come good soon...
Mark Australia has volunteered to lay on the lighthouse naked with a wet willy and give us real time readings
UPDATE: Laurie sorted out all the data streaming issues and the weather station is operating properly, however, the data looked inaccurate so I visited the site last week to investigate. The bearings on the wind speed sensor and the wind vane have worn out (this station was previously in use by Western Power for a number of years before it was relocated to it's current home at Point Moore). The rain bucket had been blown off and the inside of the sensor area was covered in sand. I cleaned it all up and put it back together. New sensors have been ordered from Davis and I'll install them when I can. It's a bit of a mission to get up there to work on it. Here a couple of shots of what it looked like when I went to investigate.