Forums > Kitesurfing General

Kiteboarding - What is the big deal?

Created by sir ROWDY > 9 months ago, 21 Nov 2014
WA, 5355 posts
21 Nov 2014 9:35PM
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So many people can Kiteboard, even little kids and old people can do it. I've tried it a few times and I know it's easy and everyone thinks it's cool, but it still just doesn't look very stylish to me. Now Stand Up Paddle, that's where the style is!

QLD, 20 posts
21 Nov 2014 11:50PM
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Damn straight! Going to trade in all my gear for a SUP tomorrow.

WA, 3464 posts
21 Nov 2014 9:50PM
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Yep, SUP is the perfect styling medium, sort of like on the cat walk.

64 posts
21 Nov 2014 10:39PM
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SUPs are where it's at

199 posts
21 Nov 2014 10:50PM
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sir ROWDY said..
So many people can Kiteboard, even little kids and old people can do it. I've tried it a few times and I know it's easy and everyone thinks it's cool, but it still just doesn't look very stylish to me. Now Stand Up Paddle, that's where the style is!

Pretty sure little children could pick up SUP faster than kiteboarding...

WA, 3271 posts
21 Nov 2014 11:05PM
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^^^ Only if dad carries it down to the water, if not the kids will pick up kiteboards easier

WA, 5355 posts
21 Nov 2014 11:21PM
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Chris6791 said..
^^^ Only if dad carries it down to the water, if not the kids will pick up kiteboards easier

Q. What do Kiteboards and Stand Up Paddle boards have in common??

A. They both need handles attached to be carried to the beach.

WA, 1094 posts
22 Nov 2014 12:15AM
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Ken10 said...
Damn straight! Going to trade in all my gear for a SUP tomorrow.

Is that because they cost a rediculous amount for a China pop out?

WA, 2119 posts
22 Nov 2014 1:14AM
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Kiteboarding is a big deal. You have a wing attached to lines, You can move the wing 160 degrees horozontal and vertical downwind, and with practice you get a smile on your face whatever is under your feet.

SUPs are like that short-tacking asshole in the lineup?

QLD, 20 posts
22 Nov 2014 3:30AM
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But Kiting just isn't stylish.

I mean look at sups.. you can do a head stand on it. You can dance on it, even host sweet rave parties on it. Picnic on the water! Tell me that ain't mega stylish!

VIC, 80 posts
22 Nov 2014 7:56AM
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Agreed SUPS.

All the girls know that big board suggest big bedroom action
Sorry guys - little board translate to small everything else

SUP it good!

QLD, 2060 posts
22 Nov 2014 8:01AM
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I would SUP and Kite, but not paddle. That's for slow kooks.

VIC, 148 posts
22 Nov 2014 9:12AM
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VIC, 518 posts
22 Nov 2014 10:25AM
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I make everything look cool. True story

NSW, 921 posts
22 Nov 2014 11:34AM
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SUP...the only thing more boring than cricket...

NSW, 561 posts
23 Nov 2014 2:37AM
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Wait, I've come into possession of some inflatable SUPS. Im thinking they must rate. With every downstroke of the pump (and it only takes 20 minutes!) I can feel the style factor increasing exponentially.

1357 posts
23 Nov 2014 11:37AM
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As rowdy says, even little kids can do it

1357 posts
23 Nov 2014 12:04PM
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and old people, even 81 year olds, big deal ? pffffffft

VIC, 528 posts
23 Nov 2014 3:52PM
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Quick tip if you want to get the local girls looking while you SUP is to wear you budgy smugglers over your wetsuit, they go nuts! Just make sure you do 5 laps of the beach to make sure they get a good look.

WA, 2119 posts
23 Nov 2014 1:37PM
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Brohan said..
Quick tip if you want to get the local girls looking while you SUP is to wear you budgy smugglers over your wetsuit, they go nuts! Just make sure you do 5 laps of the beach to make sure they get a good look.

Colombia, ahh colombia

199 posts
23 Nov 2014 3:20PM
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winwil said..
Agreed SUPS.

All the girls know that big board suggest big bedroom action
Sorry guys - little board translate to small everything else

SUP it good!

-Wear a pair of Ray Bans

> Congratulations you can now be stylish and enjoy the thrill of kiteboarding

NSW, 540 posts
23 Nov 2014 9:54PM
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That's why air style rules !!!!

VIC, 600 posts
24 Nov 2014 11:58AM
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Wake boots on a sup is legit ,


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Kiteboarding - What is the big deal?" started by sir ROWDY