we all know Christian goes that extra mile with his love of kiting,
but shagging a kite on a public beach is plain wrong
So we could get a kite Bub.
Well colour matched except hat, need to work on the look. Its all good to know how to kite safely and make love to a kite but its gotta look cool as well.
love yr work there Christian producing many new kiters.
matey with no shirt is looking at him thinking, what the f... is that bloke doing, bloke with purple hat and board shorts is getting quite aroused and is doing the double hand ,hardon concealment stance
Great picture, great stance for self rescue. Hope some people learn this basic skill, it could really save you and your kite.
agreed, in swell and wind, that board would slice and dice that leading edge if you weren't careful.
For the record, I think Christian is the ONLY kite instructor on here, that cares more about safety than anyone I've known. And best of all, teaches what he preaches. In my book that is gold and should be commended and encouraged.
I too teach the self-rescue out on water, deep water, and every student I've had that has had lessons elsewhere thanked me for having shown them the reality of what can go wrong. Thanks to Christian for that btw. Well done Christian.
Fully agree. Chris is a real asset and I have learned so much from him and I have become a better (as in safer) kiter for it!
Love your work mate!
Yup, at his suggestion I now self launch unhooked. Pretty sketchy feeling the first couple of times while I got used to it, but now it is SO MUCH SAFER. Good on ya.
Not trying to criticise as I love your work too. Just making sure that everyone understands that "unhooked" in this context means hooked out while safety leash is directly connected to flag out line, i.e.not using suicide mode. I know you argue that such mode is usually not used by beginners anyway. True most of the times. But some people start using suicide pretty early in their kting "career" simply because when accidental unhooking happens, they can avoid that the kite completely flags out and falls onto the water. When in suicide, they can either rescue the kite while still in the air, or easily relaunch as it will sit at the edge of the wind window waiting for them. This can be handy in big swell or in extremely light wind, and not everyone using suicide is a wakestyle handle pass guru. Any thoughts?
I agree that self launching, if not tether launching, is safest done by means of holding the chicken loop i.e .hooked out, wait until there is tension on the lines, observe all lines are ok and free from branches etc, then hook in and launch the kite. Or, if confident, and launching hooked in, have a hand at the top of the chicken loop / on the safety so that if in trouble safety can be pulled instantly. Also, it is a good idea to support the chicken loop anyway with any form of launching in order to avoid accidental unhooking while launching. While not necessarily dangerous, it is annoying and I have seen some kites ending up in bushes, fences, other kites etc.