Forums > Kitesurfing General

Lift Wave .. a new frontier for every wave rider

Created by Sir V > 9 months ago, 15 Jun 2014
Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
15 Jun 2014 9:00PM
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Wave Lift a product by MHL Custom

Designed for yours truly by Nicholas Leason, shaped by Greg Jaudon and custom hand painted by MHL's artisans


NSW, 6451 posts
15 Jun 2014 9:18PM
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Yeah a bloke at our local showed me his a couple of days ago.
Looks like a bit of fun floating above the water, but not really for wave riding IMHO as in the thread topic.
They have been doing it with surfing years ago but it never took off as you cant really carve hard and hit the lip and actually surf the wave etc.
Good for cruizing around on though and you dont feel any chop with the fin your riding under the water instead of the board bouncing on the surface chop.
Pretty amazing to watch though, cheers for the vid.
But the guys gear I looked at, it cost about $5000 for the board and hydro foil.

NSW, 30 posts
15 Jun 2014 9:23PM
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Sir V said...

Wave Lift a product by MHL Custom

Designed for yours truly by Nicholas Leason, shaped by Greg Jaudon and custom hand painted by MHL's artisans



WA, 8407 posts
15 Jun 2014 7:51PM
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Gotta get one of them foil boards, they would make a great after kite nibble and drinks table

NSW, 2707 posts
15 Jun 2014 11:01PM
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ohhh dear...

WA, 19 posts
16 Jun 2014 5:58AM
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How many times are you going to post the same old stuff? Don't you have Facebook? Or are you boring your friends to death there as well?

4862 posts
16 Jun 2014 8:04AM
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There's a foilboard section on Yourl get a lot more love posting on there.

PS Why a surfboard shape? Sorta seems pointless because the board isn't hitting the water that often.

WA, 1883 posts
16 Jun 2014 9:15AM
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Wave riding - fark yeah that would make an awesome "Axe" to butcher yourself, should you ever go over the falls... Visualize it.

Meanwhile I'll watch the nippers shredding harder on the twin tip learner boards ;)

WA, 2940 posts
16 Jun 2014 9:48AM
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excuse my ignorance but what makes it so unique . It's just a foil with a custom painted surfboard slapped onto it .

Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
16 Jun 2014 12:04PM
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Really, that's the best you can come up with?

Human shortsightedness never ceases to amaze me. Because you haven't either tried or don't see the point you decide to bag it? what a bunch of 'stuck in your ways' old grumpy buggers you are There are some of us who enjoy pushing the limits beyond what everyone else does. You want to be traditional and do the same thing you've always done until you die? No problem from me, but why attack those who have a wider view of the sport, and thus the world?

This is a new vid by the way. Until you try it and prove you CAN DO IT just keep to my Mom's motto: If you can't say something nice don't say anything at all, you'll be the fool in the end.

Peace up and good winds. You are vey welcome to NOT watch it eheheheh


Can't wait for your further bagging .. by the way, have you seen me bag anyone, at all? Why would I, would it make me better? Think guys - you are just people, your opinion in the end counts just as much as mine.

Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
16 Jun 2014 12:10PM
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Plummet said...

There's a foilboard section on Yourl get a lot more love posting on there.

PS Why a surfboard shape? Sorta seems pointless because the board isn't hitting the water that often.

I did post it there and actually got some real questions along your lines - this was my reply:

- The new foil - better than the older model Lift because it is a little faster. The previous model that you can see in Foil II is awesome too, I can't faulter it. But I now prefer the newer version because the strut is a little longer and the foil design (wings) allows for more speed under control. But you can't go wrong with either of them. You can learn with either just as well.

- the wave board - this was because I wanted a board I could surf with, without the foil . I asked for it and MHL made it just that. I wanted a quad and it is a real surfboard, I have plenty of photos using it without the foil.. I'll post one - that was the brief.

So when I go travelling I only take one surf bag and I have the best of both worlds. But I suspect soon will spend most of the time on the foil, as I already do. Foiling in waves is just AWESOME. The only thing you don't achieve is the spray on cutbacks, but all the rest makes up for it. But why have to choose when you can have both eheh.

- the other thing I like about MHL is that they asked me what I wanted on the boards, so I asked them to make up a design and colours to complement my kites. Sent them the photos of my 2 drifters and they made it up. They have some seriously good painters and designers - I like the feel of having something that was designed for me personally. Have a look at the kite colours and the boards

I can't wait to have enough time under my belt to tackle some serious waves, that's the goal. While I will never live up to Laird Hamilton at least I have a standard to strive for.

Glad you enjoyed the vids. I am about to go to Aitutaki, Cook Islands in 2 weeks and while it will be flat water the scenery is fantastic so I will make a little doco for myself. I will look for waves there but everyone says the reef is a little dangerous, we'll see. I'll post when I get back.

Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
16 Jun 2014 12:18PM
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lotofwind said...
Yeah a bloke at our local showed me his a couple of days ago.
Looks like a bit of fun floating above the water, but not really for wave riding IMHO as in the thread topic.
They have been doing it with surfing years ago but it never took off as you cant really carve hard and hit the lip and actually surf the wave etc.
Good for cruizing around on though and you dont feel any chop with the fin your riding under the water instead of the board bouncing on the surface chop.
Pretty amazing to watch though, cheers for the vid.
But the guys gear I looked at, it cost about $5000 for the board and hydro foil.

Half of that mate (delivered in Oz) .. Call MHL and tell them I sent you


WA, 2940 posts
16 Jun 2014 10:32AM
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lol that was bagging ?

i simply asked what made it so unique .

I didn't say it was pointless , i didn't say it sucked .

All i wanted to know was apart from the custom paintwork what made it any different from grabbing a normal surfboard and attaching a foil to it ?

WA, 1883 posts
16 Jun 2014 11:09AM
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That little bit of swell your on gets shredded harder by TTs - now post your harcore clip in the hardcore Surf forums and convince the wise that your doing something 'awesome' and we're just stupid kiters what were the foils designed for again - Oh - lift you say - stay off the drugs, there not working for you

See it for what it really is

WA, 349 posts
16 Jun 2014 11:14AM
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Coming in over a reef would be pretty interesting
I have enough trouble not ripping out my normal fins
Cool paint job though
We need people like you who try new things, thats what makes kiting such a fun sport

Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
16 Jun 2014 1:20PM
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dusta said...
lol that was bagging ?

i simply asked what made it so unique .

I didn't say it was pointless , i didn't say it sucked .

All i wanted to know was apart from the custom paintwork what made it any different from grabbing a normal surfboard and attaching a foil to it ?

Not referring to you mate.

It is unique, to me - I hadn't seen any other Hydrofoil brand promote / create a specific board that is dual use, and still haven't apart from MHL. I got it made by spec and was delivered exactly what I asked for, in every respect.

What other satisfied comparable experiences have you heard of? What I know of, not my account but from many others on Kiteforum, is the bad comments people make about other brands - quality, service and delivery. I have only good experiences from MHL so why not share and give credit where it is due? News today are filled of bad stuff, I've had different so I shared - pure and simple

I ask for a lot, being a Marketing Manager by education I know exactly what is 'fluff' and what is real. I like my products to be what I want them to be, so I found a company that listened to me and delivered. The price is better than anyone else on the market, got delivered at my door 7 days after they said it was ready.

I've also added another dimension to my kiting - I used to take photos, now I progressed to video. It sure beats a boring black plasma TV when your screensaver reminds you now and then of how good we have it.

Am I bad? So I'm happy in my stoke and decided to share it. I wasn't expecting people to be negative but so be it eheh. But then again this is an open forum, and open it I did - you're all welcome to make fun.. I'll be the one kiting 3 times a week, in winter, in 10 knots (yes, really) eheh.

V (loves a good stir)

4862 posts
16 Jun 2014 1:20PM
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Well that makes sense. If you using as a surfboard too.

I also understand the glory of custom made stuff. You get exactly what you want rather than having to fit into someone else's mould.

The next step is to make it yourself. Then you have the additional joy making and riding your own contraption.

I still want a foil.,.,,,, just dont want to pay the 2 thunge it costs to buy one.

WA, 1883 posts
16 Jun 2014 1:33PM
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V dude - the raceboard guys do lawn mowing perhaps your marketing skills could promote the "Hover" mower lol
I like the fact that when we boofheads are using 14-19s - you guys can roll with a little 7ish kite... Damn you all to shallow reefs and nigga heads ha ha :)

QLD, 2060 posts
16 Jun 2014 3:40PM
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Not hard to make Plummet. I agree with you, and yeah save $$$.

Some simple design on Autocad using fibre glass, spare surfboard cutouts from your local surf shaper/shop, and a good resin kit and away you go. All the hype about carbon fins, alu, etc. wank wank.

Never seizes to amaze me the effort people go to buy things that can be made at home, using simple initiative and drive.

WA, 50 posts
16 Jun 2014 4:05PM
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Can any one tell me why the vertical pole has to be so long. Instead of being 3 foot long couldnt it be just 1 foot and keep you a bit closer to the water and give you a bit more control.

Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
16 Jun 2014 7:30PM
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Jono said...
Can any one tell me why the vertical pole has to be so long. Instead of being 3 foot long couldnt it be just 1 foot and keep you a bit closer to the water and give you a bit more control.

I've been down this road Jono. If the strut was only 1 foot long you'd be cavitating all the time. The wing needs to be well under water to give you 'lift' and maintain a stable drive. You don't 'surf' with a hydrofoil, you ride the undercurrent of waves.

I asked for a shorter strut and will eventually get one but the more I ride it the more I agree with the manufacturer, you need length to control the glide.

When you get onto one you'll understand almost immediately why they are as long as they are. My current one is 1020mm long and the previous was 850mm. I've asked for a 750mm strut so I can prove my theory but it is an expensive exercise as it has to be made for me especially, just like all my other gear . Patience is the name of my game.. I'll report when I've tried it.


WA, 19 posts
16 Jun 2014 6:23PM
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Ok, you are a hero full of stokeness. Now will you leave us alone?? And keep your answer to less than 3 paragraphs!!

WA, 50 posts
16 Jun 2014 6:33PM
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Thanks for that V , always wondered about that. Ignore the negative comments. If you dont like the subject dont read it

Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
16 Jun 2014 9:09PM
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strungout said...
Ok, you are a hero full of stokeness. Now will you leave us alone?? And keep your answer to less than 3 paragraphs!!

Would you like to go by yourself, or shall I send you where you belong? ehehehh

PML (look it up)

btw, it's my post - you are not required to read it... Sorry, you are an easy target mate - grow up and be nice!


WA, 4263 posts
16 Jun 2014 7:25PM
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Sir V said...

Hi Sir V,
How long is the board ?

WA, 96 posts
16 Jun 2014 7:38PM
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Foils are about as close as a hoverboard we will get at the moment, I'm still not convinced that I would swap it for a conventional surf board for the waves. Good on you for trying something different, it would be boring otherwise. : D

QLD, 5283 posts
16 Jun 2014 11:01PM
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Sir V said...

strungout said...
Ok, you are a hero full of stokeness. Now will you leave us alone?? And keep your answer to less than 3 paragraphs!!

PML (look it up)

nice comeback V lol

praise my life- when a moment is reached of extreme happiness and your life is so amazing you want to praise it.
when the biggest smile on your face is still small.
when mood cannot be any better
i woke up, walked out of my room and saw 100 bucks on the table! pml!

Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
16 Jun 2014 11:24PM
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waveslave said...

Sir V said...

Hi Sir V,
How long is the board ?

5'10 ..

Sir V
QLD, 490 posts
19 Jun 2014 11:19PM
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Here's a previous vid...



WA, 4263 posts
23 Jun 2014 9:25PM
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Sir V said...
Here's a previous vid...



Just wondering ...

When you crash the kite and can't relaunch it due to equipment failure,

how do you do a self-rescue ?

How would you get that shovel back to the beach ?

VIC, 518 posts
24 Jun 2014 1:21AM
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waveslave said...
Sir V said...
Here's a previous vid...



Just wondering ...

When you crash the kite and can't relaunch it due to equipment failure,

how do you do a self-rescue ?

How would you get that shovel back to the beach ?

easy... you tip the board upside down, attach rashy to fin and windsurf in


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Lift Wave .. a new frontier for every wave rider" started by Sir V