Forums > Kitesurfing General

Self launching and landing survey

Created by stuntnaz > 9 months ago, 20 Dec 2015
WA, 2119 posts
22 Dec 2015 10:23PM
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stuntnaz said..

waveslave said...

cbulota said..

We taught thousands of students to self-retrieve their kites using the safety system, never had issues and this is always done in the very first lesson.

How many newbies have you taught to selfie launch on their very first lesson ?

None .. I thought so.


Zip it wave slave all you have done on this topic is bag people if you don't have anything constructive to say don't say anything at all .

Christian did not state self launch, Self retrieve......

If he did the IKO course years ago (he did), and did the first standard lesson states after filling them with all the safety stuff. You spend the kast 1/2 hour doint a self resuce/retrieve. All good kite instructors do this at the end of the first or second lesson at the end, depending on the ability of the learner.

Calling one of the most experienced instructors out, with a passion for safety and a fantastic reputation, is poor form.

Merry Christmas.

This Guy is so old
he is a hazard to others.


QLD, 41 posts
23 Dec 2015 12:08PM
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Yes 100%, If you cant master these basic fundamental skills which demonstrates a deeper understanding of kite behaviour and wind dynamics you are a liability and hopefully your health insurance is comprehensive.


NSW, 169 posts
23 Dec 2015 1:48PM
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Looks like there is a bit of confusing going on.

Self landing,
Pulling the safety,
Self rescue,
Tethered launch and landing.
Are all different things

Pulling the release and recovering your kite is taught in the first lesson, this can be used to land your kite and get out of trouble, but this is not self landing.

Self landing is flying your kite to the ground and landing it face down without pushing the release, some pull on a inside line to help with the landing.

If you want to watch a beginner get hurt and a instructor get sued, teach them how to do a self land and what how they mess everything up in winds they are not use to .

Getting lines wrapped around fingers while trying to pull an inside line in 35 knots with the kite bouncing back up powering up because they don't have the experience or understanding about wind, kites, bars etc. ( releasing the kite would be better )

Beginners don't understand all the things that can happen with a kite and lines in different conditions, the angle of the wind to self landing, gusty winds, Beginners should have a partner to catch the kite, or pull the release, they should not self land in the early stages of learning as it is probably the greatest chance that may cause injury.

WA, 4263 posts
23 Dec 2015 11:38AM
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dave...... said..

This Guy is so old
he is a hazard to others.

Dave, you don't even kite dude.


Why do you even care about all this selfie stuff ?

WA, 2119 posts
23 Dec 2015 4:50PM
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waveslave said..

dave...... said..

This Guy is so old
he is a hazard to others.

Dave, you don't even kite dude.


Why do you even care about all this selfie stuff ?

Sorry mate, missed the post as I was out kiting
Even had one of those death leashes on as there were lots of kids around.

Came in handy as I self landed at the edge of the water because of the shells on the beach.
Self landing on the water is so much safer than on land. If in doubt I dont be precious and get it wet.

Ozone Kites Aus
NSW, 884 posts
Site Sponsor
24 Dec 2015 2:51PM
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Rule No 1 - Ignore wavetool on anything to do with safety and leashes

Rule No 1.1 - Ignore IKO rubbish in relation to self launching and self landing and insist your instructor shows you how to do it, if possible. If you lack kite skills your instructor may refuse, but should at least demonstrate the method for you. If thats the case book a lesson on self launching and self landing all good schools/instructors will offer this.

Rule No 2 - Watch Christian's/AKS video's repeatedly and do exactly what is shown in the vids, especially this one as it covers the 3 main types of safety systems.

I've developed a system based on Christian's single front line safety system (2nd one in the vid above), which I think is now by far the most common, with the dual front line system 2nd and 5th line 3rd.

I don't use a hook, as you may have noticed from the "Don't show us your hook" thread.

This technique applies only to Ozone kites, or kites that have an extremely similar safety system. I ride in suicide mode, chicken loop attached to a large SS ring. I make sure that when I launch in a NE on the East Coast that the numbered line connectors are reversed for N02 and No3 (centre lines) and connected 1/2/3/4 in a SE/S wind.
When I'm finished riding i walk to where I want to land my kite, then lower the kite so that the bottom wingtip is about 3-4M off the beach, steered slight down, I then let go of the bar and release the primary safety/chicken loop, and then take 2-3 step away from the kite and upwind pulling on the leash line/flagging line. Kite sits down LE into the wind every time, if done correctly.
If you don't get it right all that will happen is that the kite will fly very depowered across the window and land LE down and into the wind, so if you fluff it, move quickly upwind and to the other side of the window, to shorten the flight of your flagged out kite.
I'm planning to make a video of this method (and some others) soon.

NSW, 262 posts
24 Dec 2015 8:24PM
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markus86 said..
Yes 100%, If you cant master these basic fundamental skills which demonstrates a deeper understanding of kite behaviour and wind dynamics you are a liability and hopefully your health insurance is comprehensive.

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markus86 said..
Yes 100%, If you cant master these basic fundamental skills which demonstrates a deeper understanding of kite behaviour and wind dynamics you are a liability and hopefully your health insurance is comprehensive.

Not the best way to lauch a kite For a newbie.
Directed to early in the sky,which can cause a line wrap around wingtip.
For a safer launch wait until all lines are taut and point slowly into the sky.
My 2 cents.

NSW, 540 posts
24 Dec 2015 9:06PM
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Thanks to everyone for your input to this topic .
Have a merry Christmas !!!

180 posts
25 Dec 2015 1:53AM
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I live in area where kitesurfing practically don't exist and there aren't so many kiters. Number is getting bigger from year to year thank god!
Most of "pros" don't like newbies and tell you indirectly to **** off, because if they burn the face in the sand or hurt some1, police will forbid them to kite there.
Big number of "pros" doesn't stand beginners too. And they are showing it. Is it so hard to remember that u sucked too before u learned something???!

Also, 1200 islands, 15 000 km of shore, 3 legal kitespots. 3!
From my 100 launching/landings, roughly 7 were assisted.

Some are forced to self launch/land from the start since they are pushed away from the community and "regular" spots because of jerks . Thank god for exceptions. With low number of kiters, not so easy to find some1 to help you when u get free time for a session. With no legal spots, u are forced to stay away from people too.

I didn't go to school, spent around 2 hours with ex kite instructor. Don't want to be egoistic but i didn't need instructions, was aware how kite flies and when it doesn't fly. And it's the fact i like to learn from bare start to understand how stuff works in my own way. 2-3 years of youtubing too.

Selflaunching in under 20 kts (still didn't try higher winds), landing on safety. Pull it and selfrescue in a waist deep water. Always alone, far from any obstacles, living or dead, with safety in mind 1st. Never had a kitemare. I did have couple of small accident's but i was aware it was not smart so i can't count that in.

1st kitebuddy from my area i met was here on this forum, imagine that.

Greetings from Croatia

Ah yes, merry Xmas :D


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"Self launching and landing survey" started by stuntnaz