"A KITE surfer skipping across the water looks like a big piece of dangling bait to tiger sharks, warns a Gold Coast fisheries expert, who predicts an attack on a kiter is inevitable.
Bond University fisheries researcher Professor Daryl McPhee also warned people to be prepared for more attacks in the wake of a horror year for shark maulings on the NSW far north coast last year."
There's more...unsubstantiated claims but head over to the GC Bulletin for more info
In over 30 years of fishing ive never caught a shark trawling lures, always on bait so this doesn't make sense to me???
Had more trouble with the blows in's on twin tips today then the sharks i saw out back
The real issue is twin tips in the surf. Twin tip riders in the surf should be culled
He sounds like a c0ck if he thinks kiters and 'sailboarders' look anything alike - even to sharks.
It's the angle of the dangle.
So called Experts regarding sharks are scary , they should be banned from commenting
GC , comment on twin tips , been a surfer for 40 years kiter for 14 years , ride SB , mutant and twiny in the surf depending on the break and how i feel.
Rules of surfing apply no matter what we ride , enjoy the stoke
Last year i had two encounters with bronzies, both times they raced toward me at 45 degrees then veered away at about 2meters away from me, so i guess we are an "interest"
I also hit a very small hammerhead once, it was going slow i was going fast, i felt bad
here's what i wrote on gold coast bulletins home page...i am waiting for it to be deleted
Hello everyone, i have windsurfed on a weekly basis since 1979 on Moreton Bay and the Gold Coast and also Kitesurfed on a weekly basis since 1999 here on the Broadwater and the ocean beaches with the Gold Coast Kitesurfing community very very regularly and all I can say about these claims by a publicly funded "professor" kind of dude is that every time we windsurf or kitesurf near a shark of any type they poo themselves and take off at a hundred miles an hour! Be careful who you you fund with taxpayers dollars.