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What's a good kite for massive boost/hang time?

Created by THEYDONTKNOWSHOT > 9 months ago, 10 Aug 2014
WA, 160 posts
15 Aug 2014 7:35AM
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+2 Core XR3, demo one if you have the chance!

Fly on da wall
SA, 725 posts
15 Aug 2014 9:56AM
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Ask Ruben Lenten.

SA, 160 posts
16 Aug 2014 12:09AM
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north rebel all the way for boosting

It's one of those kites where you edge hard, send it... and then completely surprise yourself at times cause of the massive height you gain so damn easily!!


go rebel, its awesome, and has a stopper ball too if that's what you're after. great low end too.

QLD, 593 posts
16 Aug 2014 9:12PM
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Epic Screamer. Purpose built for air and loops.

1st 90sec of this vid is sick...

QLD, 739 posts
16 Aug 2014 9:33PM
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Why doesn't the F-one bandit get a mention ?? - its kind of Ok ??

VIC, 133 posts
16 Aug 2014 9:41PM
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+1 Ozone edge.

By far the biggest floatiest jumps I've ever experienced.

QLD, 106 posts
16 Aug 2014 9:42PM
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Team it up with a Mako or Monk........speed and holding heaps of power with the edge of the board= HUGE:)

VIC, 528 posts
16 Aug 2014 10:09PM
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+3 Core Riot XR3, massive boots and hang times as well as soft landings. Love my XR3!

WA, 987 posts
17 Aug 2014 12:45AM
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XR3 are pretty good,but if you want to go really large the new 18m 2015 Airstyle Rebel, ltd edition.
Direct result of Toby B nagging the guys at north for something to replace the old North Rhinos, purely so him and his mates can old school it.

QLD, 237 posts
17 Aug 2014 12:41PM
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teabaggin said..
If you want to get into Airstyle surely the North kite to get would have to be what Toby uses , not sure what it is myself , others might know . The bar would also have to have a micro hook or stopper . Some more Airstyle from Toby to get ya pumped

Really enjoyed watching Toby failing, makes him seem more human like the rest of us...

WA, 987 posts
18 Aug 2014 12:50PM
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Hi Guys,

Back from holidays and thought I might be able to add a few thoughts. There are generally two types of big. There's big height, and big hangtime. Usually, these two types of jumps come from quite different kites.

Generally speaking, C-shaped kites and Delta shaped kites will take you to the highest jumps. They tend to be more violent in the ascent and "throw" you up high, but on the flip side, they tend to drop you pretty fast without really clever kite flying skills on the way down. The jump itself comes from the reverse direction pull of the kite, or if you like, the pendulum effect. Speed and a fast redirect will see you up high. Timing is EVERYTHING!

So if you are looking for hangtime, forget "C-shaped kites". Hangtime kites (higher aspect) or the current race kites tend to take you up far more smoothly, some will take you up to similar heights of C's and delta's, but you will remain at the apex longer and have a much more gentle and slow return to the aqua. The height tends to depend a lot on the size of the kite. The jump itself comes from a more efficient aerodynamic profile and a wider, higher aspect wing shape, or in different terms, a greater lift generating surface area. To jump a high aspect kite you redirect somewhat (limited by turning speed of the high aspect kites), but the performance of the wing and the apparent wind do all the lifting, this is partially why the jumps are much smoother, not a lot of pendulum, mostly pure lift. The disadvantage is they are slower to turn and harder to hold an edge when taking off, especially in rough water.

Toby will be riding his new 2015 18m "Airtime" Rebel this year. This kite was designed for him and is a "one off" (6 struts). This kite is designed for 20 knots and has the added struts for canopy stability and holding the profile when overpowered.

A few notes on "going big" before talking about kites. Firstly you need to be LIT! You'll never go big if you aren't really powered up (Being "lit" on a 20m kite in 15 knots won't do it). Secondly, you need control! If you can't hold an edge, you'll never go large because it's all about what you do in the one second before you lift off. You need a smaller kite and very strong wind. Oh, and you need lots of experience. Flat water really helps Small kites redirect faster and can be flown in much stronger winds.

My recipe for a boosting kite is to take a kite with a very stable canopy like the Rebel. The stiff structure and taut canopy allow the kite to behave really well when you are overpowered by locking the profile solidly and not allowing any fluttering on the trailing edge, or tips or backwinding of the leading edge. I like a 9m kite in around 30-35 knots. Gusty wind is often best as you can see the gusts on the water and boost into them for a really fun secondary lift as the gust hits the kite. If you're kite is bucking and fluttering and shaking when you are only sheeted slightly for power and riding fast, it's not the right kite. The kite must be composed, in control and comfortable. There are very few kites that feel like this when really overpowered. The Core Riot XR3 is a similar kite. They are neither C, nor high aspect, nor delta. They sit nicely in the middle of these three designs and offer the best compromise of speed, control and lift. The Edge is good for lofty jumps, and they tend to be reasonably high and floaty, but lack the adrenaline kicking acceleration off the water.

Sorry for only speaking of kites we stock, but these are the kites I have experience with. The old 2003 Airush Lift Pro was pretty insane too .... back in the day

Anyways, hope this helps, if anyone wants more specific info on technique, design or other advice, feel free to ask here or via PM if you like.


NSW, 271 posts
18 Aug 2014 11:45PM
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toby rides older north dynos around 2010 2011 I think. he say the newer dynos are more race orientated.
I ride a 10m north rebel 80% of the time and find this kite suits me for boosting big and that's what I love doing. but its true it does come down to rider skill and the right kite aswell. my opinion would be ozone edge or north rebel

QLD, 146 posts
18 Aug 2014 11:58PM
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the faster you go the higher you go....end of story!

NSW, 102 posts
19 Aug 2014 9:23AM
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The faster you ride and the faster your kite moves to the correct position! The higher you go!!! End of story....

WA, 1883 posts
19 Aug 2014 10:34AM
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So someone should build a fast turning - big jumping - hard Megalooping - stable kite with hangtime in a 9m, for 20-35knots..

Thats why I laugh at all the posts like these -

I ride the Epic Screamers which have all this built into it allready.

Dimitri Maramenides of Epic Kites, who used to ride sponsored for various, got pissed off with the Brands building half aszed kites that wouldnt Jump big and turn fast, so with the help of the very talented Designer 'Momi' have been producing the Screamers for a while now that do exactly that and rated as one of the very few big jumpers that have everything built into it..

Now I gonna have to disagree with the old school 'go fast to jump big' theory -

A well designed kite with the right foil shape will jump at lot bigger than any other kite - even at a low wind speed, you "dont" need to be maxed out. J
Just take a good long hard look at various kites and take note of what shapes they are and compare the best big jump - fast turn ones with hangtime... and then look at the latest greatest so called jump kites and see what they have in common ? If they dont - well throw them in the corner with the other new improved Brand Rags !!

Everyone talks about the 30+ windrange where someone jumps into the approaching 40knot gust - yes that 10 is the uncontrollable variable Oh and kickers, wave blaaa the list goes on and height is more dependant on Gonad size !

Because we all normally kite around the average 20knt +- mark, it makes sense to use this as a measure for jumping - how many people do you actually see hitting it hard at 35-40kts, 1 perhaps 2 ? compared to those in the car..

At 20knts everyone is having a go - so it makes sense that someone designed their kites maximum jump lift and response without having to rely on forward speed alone - as you are all led to believe... dont believe me ???

Hercules profile winged aircraft lift off at a very low air speed and lift a lot of weight... pretty much a Cessna on Steroids

Fighter Jets look awesome but end up "mowing the lawn" at the end of the runway for the same speeds.

Oh thats right - its forward speed that important, just as well the Earth is flat hey...

Fly on da wall
SA, 725 posts
19 Aug 2014 12:14PM
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Epic what??? Epic kiteloop redbull challenge... Ruben killed it on fuels I think... Try one bro!

4862 posts
19 Aug 2014 11:10AM
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That's a bit of rage Mr S T Wales.

Of course going fast isn't the only variable. You still need to be able to load and pop. If you go too fast and can no longer load up you will not jump high.

But if you have the 2 people. All other aspects being equal and one goes faster than the other but can still load and pop. He will jump higher than the slower guy.

It's physics. You can't get around it.

But, All other aspects are never equal. So there's a bunch of variables that need to stack up for big height.

WA, 1883 posts
19 Aug 2014 11:11AM
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That'll be the 9m Epic Screamer your curious about ;)

How much do those guys get paid to ride fee gear again ???

And what was the wind speed ?

And I'm guessing you mean the red bull one where the Naish Torch won huh - that a very large number of riders submitted entries on all sorts of kites...

Start eating your shorts if Jessie takes it out on the Draft.

Your point again

WA, 1883 posts
19 Aug 2014 11:26AM
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Plummet said...

But if you have the 2 people. All other aspects being equal and one goes faster than the other but can still load and pop. He will jump higher than the slower guy.

I'm refering to the kites specifically on flat water - where a great fast turning jump kite wil still go bigger.
How did physics apply to the Hercules ???

No rage at all - just the truth which people don't seem to hear much of these days.

WA, 8407 posts
19 Aug 2014 12:05PM
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Looking at the variants in kites, I'm more a believer in technique, I find a faster directing kite at a wind speed in its very upper limits produces big jumps, when everythings right it takes little effort to go big,

QLD, 1694 posts
19 Aug 2014 2:28PM
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Lambie said..
Why doesn't the F-one bandit get a mention ?? - its kind of Ok ??

I found that the bandit gave me sweet air but it doesn't glide very well, kind of drops you.

+1 for the rebels if you like loads of hang time.

4862 posts
19 Aug 2014 12:40PM
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cauncy said..
Looking at the variants in kites, I'm more a believer in technique, I find a faster directing kite at a wind speed in its very upper limits produces big jumps, when everythings right it takes little effort to go big,

Indeed technique and carefully kite size selection are far the biggest factors.
But kite type also makes a massive difference too.

I have speed 3, ozone edges, c4, cat and reo. There significant differences how high and long each kite jumps with the same rider, technique and board.

QLD, 130 posts
19 Aug 2014 2:43PM
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The faster you ride and the faster your kite moves to the correct position and the harder you can hold your edge up untill the kite hits the correct position! The higher you go!!! End of story....

QLD, 130 posts
19 Aug 2014 2:44PM
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SavIb said..
The faster you ride and the faster your kite moves to the correct position! The higher you go!!! End of story....

SavIb said..

The faster you ride and the faster your kite moves to the correct position! The higher you go!!! End of story....

The faster you ride and the faster your kite moves to the correct position and the harder you can hold your edge up untill the kite hits the correct position! The higher you go!!! End of story....

WA, 9584 posts
19 Aug 2014 2:30PM
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NSW, 102 posts
19 Aug 2014 11:38PM
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Better add ride high altitude lakes on the equator......

QLD, 237 posts
20 Aug 2014 9:28AM
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how would the Switch Nitro 3 be as a kite for good boost/jumps?

WA, 8407 posts
20 Aug 2014 2:55PM
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JimJones said..

how would the Switch Nitro 3 be as a kite for good boost/jumps?

pretty good

WA, 8407 posts
20 Aug 2014 9:30PM
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or try the mk1 reo 6mtr goes huge

WA, 3489 posts
20 Aug 2014 10:49PM
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cauncy said..

JimJones said..

how would the Switch Nitro 3 be as a kite for good boost/jumps?

pretty good

I second this, I bought a 10mtr Nitro 3 pretty much at the end of last season so only got to use it a few times but was very impressed with the boost/hangtime and can see myself getting a 14 soon for a bit of old school type air time.

Not as floaty as the Edge but I reckon it would get you higher as it is way faster turning + it's more fun allround.

I also still have an old 10mtr Eclipse Thruster that I love the way it rips you off the water and sends you very high but it is not as predictable or as floaty on the way back down.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"What's a good kite for massive boost/hang time?" started by THEYDONTKNOWSHOT