Forums > Kitesurfing   New South Wales

10 days of summer... kiting 2014?

Created by benisjamn > 9 months ago, 6 Dec 2013
NSW, 5 posts
6 Dec 2013 5:53PM
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I have 10 days to burn after new years, So I am looking to get out of Sydney and kite EVERYDAY (AKA where's the most consistent wind on the east coast?)....happy to drive interstate.

I only have a 8m bws, twin tip, and ancient surfboard at this point Where's recommended? Anyone doing the same?

NSW, 540 posts
7 Dec 2013 10:03PM
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It's always windy at Kurnell

NSW, 5784 posts
8 Dec 2013 11:32AM
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Tony Armstrong
NSW, 341 posts
17 Dec 2013 8:12PM
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benisjamn said..

I have 10 days to burn after new years, So I am looking to get out of Sydney and kite EVERYDAY (AKA where's the most consistent wind on the east coast?)....happy to drive interstate.

I only have a 8m bws, twin tip, and ancient surfboard at this point Where's recommended? Anyone doing the same?

I agree with Steve, "doctor".

There is no such thing as wind consistency on the east coast.

If you are prepared to drive, you might get 6 out of 10 days kiting but otherwise look at the latest map and take a punt or flip a coin for either north or south.

Good luck.

NSW, 1625 posts
23 Dec 2013 10:06PM
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benisjamn said..

I have 10 days to burn after new years, So I am looking to get out of Sydney and kite EVERYDAY (AKA where's the most consistent wind on the east coast?)....happy to drive interstate.

I only have a 8m bws, twin tip, and ancient surfboard at this point Where's recommended? Anyone doing the same?

Port stephens not a bad option, for the local beaches, it gets a bit better wind than newcastle

But if you drive 2 to 4 hours south they get some good NE during summer down that way


Forums > Kitesurfing   New South Wales

"10 days of summer... kiting 2014?" started by benisjamn