We are two Danish girls travelling the east coast in a camper and we are looking for people all across the coast to go kitesurfing with.
We don't know when we are going to be where, but drop us a line and we'll come for a visit! Would be great to meet some locals!
We both started kitesurfing this winter (on exchange in Melbourne), so we are still beginners, but very determined to become champions by the end of the season!
Send us an e-mail or a text!
Miranda & Kirstine
0422 613 602
Hej M&K
Jeg hedder Christian og er lige kommet tilbage fra en lille tur syd for Sydney hvor jeg fandt nogle gode kitespots. Er i Sydney indtil d. 5. jan og vil kite så meget som muligt. Ved ik hvor I er eller hvordan men måske vi ses?
C (Kbh)
Hej Christian! Ringede du til mig den anden dag? Jeg fik ikke fat i dit telefonnummer, saa jeg kan ikke ringe tilbage, men vi er i Sydney nu, saa giv mig et ring! :) Kirstine
G'day, i live in Bondi and am a keen kiteboarder. Give me a shout if your coming this way and i can show you some awesome spots. Cheers
Once upon a time this message would have sent me into a frenzy. Where did my freedom and sense of adventure go?
Thats right I'm married. DOH!!! Did u say 2 Danish girls? C'Mon blokes. If u dont someone will.
Hi guys!
Thanks for all you help - we have gotten a bunch of messages!
We are both back in Denmark now - feel free to drop by ;)