It's that time of the year again, days become shorter, the wind and water turn colder and it's not easy to get our fix! So let's warm up with a couple of beers and talk all things kiting at the 2015 AGM of your favorite association.
Let's have a look back at what has kept us busy in the past year and discuss how to make kiteboarding better and bigger in the state. We also have to vote in the committee members for the upcoming season, so please get in touch if you want to get involve. More details regarding the positions will be posted soon.
Come from 6:30pm to grab a drink before presentations at 7pm, at the White Horse Hotel, 381 Crown Street in Surry Hills, Sydney
There will be food and kiteboarding videos!
RSVP on Facebook:
Antoine, Sonia, Alex, Steve, James, Tessa, Jacques & Lise
Here is the plan for tonight:
- State of the Union: what have Kiteboarding NSW & Kiteboarding Australia been up to
- Year in review & plans for next season
- Nominations of new committee members
- Trivia and raffle with $500 worth of prizes to grab!
- Talks about snowkiting in Australia and the "Kite the Reef" expedition
Food will be provided, and you are welcome to get the committee a round a beer to thank them for their hard work this past year!
Hope to see many of you there!
Hey Ian, I'm continuing as President for another year, Sonia is leaving us as she's taking a Director position with Kiteboarding Australia, and we're welcoming Richard Hatherall and Dave Hobbs onboard.
I've uploaded the night presentation here, and we'll have the minutes up as well soon, with interesting questions from members regarding numbers of kiters and safety around Sydney.