Forums > Kitesurfing   New South Wales

City Blues

Created by edhead > 9 months ago, 26 Oct 2013
NSW, 54 posts
26 Oct 2013 4:58PM
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KMTV said..


(re posted from another forum to here and sorry I don't know how to make the original topic video and post appear.)

Interesting. It seems there is a dedicated setup area for kiters and is that even a buoyed lane for the comings and goings of said kiters? It seems all over Europe and the Mediterranean on busy/urban beaches bathers and kiters share the beach (or their respectful parts of them) together. In Sydney it's banned between Cronulla and Long Reef (at least 3/4's of the city's beach line). Disclosure: I'm stuck living around Bondi (yet, no, I have never disrespected the ban) and have what's often a 2 & 1/2 hour round trip to go kiting. However, for the sake of constructive discourse what about, a dedicated kite set up and launch area on some city beaches on the odd days that are kite-able and unattractive for bathers and therefore less populated.

Fibreglass surfboards are not allowed when the flags are up but when its too rough or dangerous for swimmers and the flags come down, fibreglass boards are allowed. Most surfers know, appreciate and observe the rule. Occasionally the lifeguards have to point it out to the odd bod but the system works and generally keeps all beaches goers caring and sharing. Similarly, could we not have some days, conditions or criteria when kiting is allowed from a dedicated launch area?

Clearly some Sydney beaches are too small and flukey to ever really bother but beaches like Bondi, Maroubra, Manly, Curl Curl for example, on windy or stormy days seem a shame to pass up when not many other people are interested in the beach.

Interested to hear from anyone who has kited Europe and has experience of busy/urban beaches where kiting is allowed or indeed, made possible. Also interested to hear from anyone at NSWKA on the topic. I know this topic has been covered in some ways but what I haven't seen is any well set down arguments or historical reasoning for the total ban rather than occasional managed access for kiting.

Just a thought as I gaze wistfully out to sea.


Forums > Kitesurfing   New South Wales

"City Blues" started by edhead