Forums > Kitesurfing   New South Wales

Flysufer speed size for Sydney

Created by nebulus > 9 months ago, 7 Aug 2016
NSW, 1 posts
7 Aug 2016 5:22PM
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Hi all,

What size Flysufer Speed would you recommend for Sydney summer conditions?
I am 75 kg w/ a 135cm TT or alternatively with a surfboard.

Currently looking at a 12m.
Any feedback welcome.

Cheers, Mark

NSW, 1715 posts
9 Aug 2016 1:37PM
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Hi Mark. There are not many foil-kite kiters in Sydney and any of them can answer this better than me. Most are foil-board racers but I can help with Sydney wind conditions.

Sydney sea breezes kick in around late October when you can expect 15-20 knots from the Nor east 4 out of 7 days. Southerlies are frontal, less frequent and can be up to 30 knots for a day or so until they settle in. March - April will see the end of the Sydney kiting season until the westerlies blow over winter.

I am assuming you are relatively new to Sydney and/or kiting. Can I ask why you have chosen this particular kite since most people are on inflatables?


Forums > Kitesurfing   New South Wales

"Flysufer speed size for Sydney" started by nebulus