Here's a little edit I filmed yesterday at Gerroa.
Pretty fun little wave rolling through which Foxy was ripping up on his REO.
Jeez it looks good from above. Frothing to film more this season!
Nice one Matt. Loved it.
Could not help but noticed a "fly by" at 1.01. Ha, the big egg beater of the sky..!!!
One great scene at 1.14, I think but it gave me that special "7 mile" vibe.!!!
Been flying heaps lately, so keen to kite.!!
Some NE wind this weekend maybe we kite again ...??? Where is Mr Wingate...!!!
Haha yeah cheers Tony.
Pretty cool please around 7 Mile.
Wind is looking really good this week! Should be great for Mambo, you should come...
Mr Wingate is about, still riding those pesky BWS kites. Poor fella.
Hey Matt,
Kiting around 30 others is not quite my scene and in my opinion leads to errors. I need all the help I can get..!!!
Sure it will be a fun time. Enjoy.!!
Forecast looks ok..