Forums > Kitesurfing   New South Wales

Kite trip East Coast

Created by lirojhonson > 9 months ago, 16 Feb 2011
QLD, 6 posts
17 Feb 2011 12:16AM
Thumbs Up

Hi guys,

This is Javi from Spain, 30 years old. I ended my degree and worked for few years in Spain and now I have a kind of year off (due to economic crisis, but I have money and time!! ), so I decided to travel over Australian East Coast starting in Sydney in march (where I want to spend a month aprox.) and ending at Cairns in June.

I will flight next Febrary 28th, but I havn't decide yet if to bring my kiteboarding gear to Australia or not. In case not, plan B is to buy a surf board there and learn surfing waves that seems another very good option (Actually I can combine both options!...)

To decide it:
1) What about wind and spots to expect? How many days a week of good wind? What are the best spots flat water or good waves (not choppy) ?

2) I will go alone there, but I hope to meet other kiters there, and if it is posible to share this amazing trip with them. Are there further kite travelers or locals there to share this amazing trip with?

3) What make me doubt more is the acomodation.. If I finally travel alone, I gess I will sleep many night in backpackers hostels, and the security of my gear in a shared room, I do not know....What do you think?

Any recomendation, advise, kiters to meet in Australia, will be pretty wellcomed!

Good winds!
Javi from Spain

PD -Sorry about my english, That's another reason to travel Australia :)...


Forums > Kitesurfing   New South Wales

"Kite trip East Coast" started by lirojhonson