This will be the sign planted firmly in the sands of Stockton beach if we are not careful this summer. On Friday I suffered a mishap due to equipment failure between the surf life saving club and the pines. My chicken loop popped open and my safety leash broke. My kite flew under the power lines and over the busy road. The locals retrieved it and unbelievably no damage was done to property people or kite. I am well aware that although this was equipment failure, it was still my fault and if I was less fortunate and damage done, I would have been held 100% accountable.
To make matters worse, in the small area of the beach between the club and the pines, a learner himself was teaching two other learners! True, it was after the life guards where off duty, but the beach was still busy. 15 and 13 meter fuels where being slammed down hard often in 20 + knots. The Local guys asked them politely to practice elsewhere after assessing the danger to themselves and everyone.
Stockton is a small community and already we are in ill favour. Not only is the wind onshore, the South end of the beach has become a danger area. The shrinking beach, has uncovered tank traps between the pines and break wall. The break wall is now in the water, the set up area at the pines has been fenced of for "dune rehabilitation" I think more a subtle hint to kiters. The life saving club is right there, the North east is dead on, and to top it of there are sharks, and I and the other locals have seen plenty.
If you are a newbie at Stockton please approach other kiters for info. There is a road on the way into Stockton that turns to the beach and runs along the soccer field. The wind is more cross on, there is nothing to run into, just watch the fishermen, and please become a member of the N.S.W.K.A.
My point is every one must take full responsibility for themselves and those around them, lets not shrink our play area!
Please dont get kiting banned from Stockton, like it will be in many other places.
might be a good idea to put on the general forum as a heads up
Were you that crazy guy with the funny hair cut doing those airborne manouvres the other day?
Being a stockton local also, i dont want to see our kiting spot banned due to idiot learners who come down n practise just meters from the surf club and flags.
Theres 40 kays of object free beach to use, why does everyone insist on learning at the surf club or the breakwall even, which is also off limits between 1st december and end of febuary!
prolly a good idea for the local riders to give these people a friendly g'day and suggest that going in at the soccer field is a better idea .If you don't ,the council will tell you all to **** off.(re ban dec to feb)
It was probably me
Alex sanz seem to me when anything happens I'm always the one at fault? any ban in Australia, the ban in byron is my fault because I'm the only one that kites there even though I'm in Sydney. Kitesurfers them selves will get banned if they keep reporting incidents to the authorities. They are not a friendly bunch, kitesurfers really have a public relations problem.
No repect for anyone else on the beach.. not even other kitesurfers . lots of complaints to me from the public.
So disapointing????
I live and kitesurfed stockton beach i have no prob with the place just stop telling every one when u f.......... up .
The best thing that could happen at Stockton is that all you Blow in's and Weekend Warriors go and find your own wind. Not only am I sick to death of Pothole and the Learner Brigade, but you bastards who come to play on My beach with My waves and My wind, (which you invariably make bad use of, wastage the most heinous of crimes)!
And if by any chance there are any fishermen reading this, take heed, if I move into the waves where you are, please move!
Whilst venting my spleen I would like to mention my dog.
Yup! George.
You pricks have driven a wedge through a marvelous relationship.
I walk him at heel up the back lane, where he invariably craps twice,(therefore not on the beach, I am after all a responsible dog owner) sit him at the Pines crossing,and then let him go on the beach.
And then his loyalty does a u-turn.
Guys I may be old but I am sensitive!
I nursed him as a puppy when he was born. I watched him grow very large on vast quantities of food and exercise and he lies here before me, full and out to the world, dreaming of a life devoid of discipline.
It tears me apart to have to ask you all to show him no affection. Harsh words you must utter and beat him upon the head with his stick that he may realize who pays his feed bill.
And stay out of my way!
keep your stuff ups to yourself. putting this on the forum is stupid really
as for the learners near the flags, approach them and explain to them politely what they are doing wrong.
have a serious think about what will happen if stories like this keep popping up on the forum. the last thing we want is licences, insurance all that crap jetskiers cop.
check your gear before you start. its not that hard.