Forums > Kitesurfing   New South Wales

Kitesurfing banned at Marouba Beach??

Created by LittleGav > 9 months ago, 23 Dec 2009
24 posts
23 Dec 2009 8:20AM
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Hi All,

I am staying in Coogee, Sydney for a couple of weeks over Christmas ands have been kiting over at Botney Bay which has been great and met some lovely people who have helped me loads - much appreciated guys!!

On the NSWKBA web-site it also says that you can kite off Marouba beach.

I went down there yesterday and, as there were no kites about, had a chat with the lifeguard who said..... that as it is school holidays that kiting is no longer allowed there (as they put up flags for 2 swimming areas) except after hours at 7pm.

Don't want to cause any issues for local kiters but does any one know if this is true and if so if there are any beaches locally you can kite in the waves??

Any thoughts much appreciated

Happy Christmas to all


NSW, 451 posts
24 Dec 2009 3:50PM
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LittleGav said...

Hi All,

I am staying in Coogee, Sydney for a couple of weeks over Christmas ands have been kiting over at Botney Bay which has been great and met some lovely people who have helped me loads - much appreciated guys!!

On the NSWKBA web-site it also says that you can kite off Marouba beach.

I went down there yesterday and, as there were no kites about, had a chat with the lifeguard who said..... that as it is school holidays that kiting is no longer allowed there (as they put up flags for 2 swimming areas) except after hours at 7pm.

Don't want to cause any issues for local kiters but does any one know if this is true and if so if there are any beaches locally you can kite in the waves??

Any thoughts much appreciated

Happy Christmas to all


Hey mate, you may have to head up to the Northern Beaches for a kite in the waves. I wouldn't know of any other spots but then again I'm just a newb! Just a suggestion though.

NSW, 100 posts
31 Dec 2009 8:48AM
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If the lifeguards say you can't kite there then that ought to be the end of the matter.

NSW, 4188 posts
31 Dec 2009 7:04PM
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^^^^^^^^^^^^ what he said...

Maroubra is too small to house both kiters and people in the water during summer, and besides the local surfers are not known for their friendly nature...


Forums > Kitesurfing   New South Wales

"Kitesurfing banned at Marouba Beach??" started by LittleGav