Forums > Kitesurfing   New South Wales

Race Series on Botany Bay, Sydney this summer

Created by KIT33R > 9 months ago, 27 Oct 2010
NSW, 1715 posts
27 Oct 2010 2:20PM
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Kitepower, Wind Surf and Snow and Cabrinha Race Series.

Contact Kitepower ( or
Wind Surf and Snow ( for more details

The Race series is to be held at Dolls Point, unless we let you know otherwise.

The dates for the 6 race series are
Nov 5th and 19th, Dec 3rd and 17th, Jan 14th and 28th

Cabrinha, Kitepower and Wind SurfNsnow have assisted the NSWKBA, to have on hand 4 Cabrinha race boards for use by competitors in the race series, these can also be borrowed from either retailer (where they are stored) for practice and demo purposes, between the race evenings.

We need volunteers to help with set up, pack down and to register and time the race participants, please reply if you are willing to assist as a volunteer, on any or all evenings.

All participants must register and be current financial members of NSWKBA/AKSA prior to the first race. On the afternoon of each race your name will be recorded and checked for NSWKBA membership, and you will be required to sign a waiver, you will then be allocated a race number. No Number, no entry, this is a volunteer organised event, so make it easy on yourself and us by arriving and registering early.

The format for this year will be simple, its designed to be a fun event and to give everyone an idea of what Course Racing is about, if there is enough interest, I'm sure the series will evolve in subsequent years. We thought about different classes, race board, twin tip, surfboard but since it is our first year and not many people have experience with race boards as yet we decided on a single class of kiteboard, so ride whatever you feel comfortable on.

The races will consist of 1 lap around a series of red buoys, heats will be started in quick succession and hopefully everyone will get a chance to race at least twice per race meet.

There will be prizes for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd places for the series and the top 3 places will be decided by the people with the lowest overall score for the series. So the scores for each series race meet, are 1st=1, 2nd=2, 3rd=3 and so on, competitors can drop their 2 highest scores if they participate and complete each 6 races, there will be a minimum of 4 scores counted (provided at least 4 race evenings are run).

Hope to see you there. Let your friends know and remember they must be current members of NSWKBA to enter.

Graeme Snowdon NSWKBA

NSW, 70 posts
8 Nov 2010 10:30PM
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any results for last week?


Forums > Kitesurfing   New South Wales

"Race Series on Botany Bay, Sydney this summer" started by KIT33R