Forums > Kitesurfing   Newbies / Tips & Tricks

Inflatable GoJoe board recovery mechanism

Created by drewpweiner > 9 months ago, 29 Jan 2017
WA, 501 posts
29 Jan 2017 10:27AM
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I saw this thread

and decided to try it out with a tube from bunnings:

Absolutely rubbish! The water from the board was spitting up and hitting the tube causing me to reduce speed and even crash. Biggest waste of $10 ever. At least some local kiters got a good laugh out of me though.

WA, 175 posts
29 Jan 2017 11:37AM
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Its a good thing that you posted it on Seabreeze so we could all get a laugh.

I saw a bloke the other day who strapped a kid's water wing onto his board in the same fashion. Didn't ask him how it went though.

WA, 501 posts
29 Jan 2017 12:16PM
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I am gonna cut the inner tubing up and use it for heel straps on my foot straps. That way when I crash i won't need a leash or a floaty because my board will most likely stay on my feet.

QLD, 1075 posts
8 Feb 2017 2:28PM
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drewpweiner said..
I am gonna cut the inner tubing up and use it for heel straps on my foot straps. That way when I crash i won't need a leash or a floaty because my board will most likely stay on my feet.

Stick to known equipment and techniques Lofty! Geesus... stop re-inventing the wheels.

WA, 501 posts
10 Feb 2017 12:43PM
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NorthernKitesAUS said..

drewpweiner said..
I am gonna cut the inner tubing up and use it for heel straps on my foot straps. That way when I crash i won't need a leash or a floaty because my board will most likely stay on my feet.

stop re-inventing the wheels.

Got to be scientific mate, otherwise I am just a sheep... like u lot

WA, 542 posts
10 Feb 2017 9:03PM
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drewpweiner said..
I saw this thread

and decided to try it out with a tube from bunnings:

Absolutely rubbish! The water from the board was spitting up and hitting the tube causing me to reduce speed and even crash. Biggest waste of $10 ever. At least some local kiters got a good laugh out of me though.

Not long ago you were saying that lessons are not needed to learn kitesurfing. During a GOOD lesson you would learn how to board recovery and wouldn't need that on your board.... just saying....

VIC, 124 posts
11 Feb 2017 9:03AM
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maybe a touch too big the idea of things like this is simply to flip the board over so as to expose foot straps as they are higher and easier to see than a flipped board with fins up looks like you onto something tho haha

QLD, 226 posts
11 Feb 2017 11:28AM
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WA, 169 posts
11 Feb 2017 11:13AM
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I am fully supportive of people who show a little innovation. After all that's how we progress - but that tube through the handle is plain stupid.
Drewpweiner you are a braver man than I, as there is no way I would ever, ever show my face again at my local after pulling off a stunt like that.

WA, 501 posts
11 Feb 2017 12:34PM
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2old2quit said..

Drewpweiner you are a braver man than I, as there is no way I would ever, ever show my face again at my local after pulling off a stunt like that.

I will also let you know I wear a bright pink harness, have a bowl cut and generally shout at people instead of talking to them. Srsly, its all about deflating your ego

QLD, 92 posts
11 Feb 2017 10:26PM
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drewpweiner said..

2old2quit said..

Drewpweiner you are a braver man than I, as there is no way I would ever, ever show my face again at my local after pulling off a stunt like that.

I will also let you know I wear a bright pink harness, have a bowl cut and generally shout at people instead of talking to them. Srsly, its all about deflating your ego

With over 200 forum posts maybe the weiner should go kiting abit more and forget the armband floaty sh%t - not about ego just a lack of commitment to be competent. Somehow i reckon you know this already

WA, 501 posts
11 Feb 2017 10:15PM
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billob said..

drewpweiner said..

2old2quit said..

Drewpweiner you are a braver man than I, as there is no way I would ever, ever show my face again at my local after pulling off a stunt like that.

I will also let you know I wear a bright pink harness, have a bowl cut and generally shout at people instead of talking to them. Srsly, its all about deflating your ego

With over 200 forum posts maybe the weiner should go kiting abit more and forget the armband floaty sh%t - not about ego just a lack of commitment to be competent. Somehow i reckon you know this already

What is armband floaty sh&t? At the moment every session my kite has valves popping (2010), literally every session at least one valve goes. So what now then? are you gonna give me flack for not being able to afford a decent kite? Well, i'll have you know I spent all my money on high priced vintage clothes instead and I post so much here because I don't have a very good personal (social) life and find the concept of hearing other people's mundane thoughts without the need for direct visual contact appealing in many aspects and also predominantly for the reason that I, like most other people, are unable to directly discipline their minds in ways which would surpass what expected behaviour patterns are which we are forced into by habit and the operational tendencies of our brains to not analyze deeply about what would be the most important thing to be doing in this moment but rather what is the "easiest" thing to do or the thing that would provide the most pleasure or relief. You can't blame me for being an animal but you can blame me for not KNOWING how to integrate self-discipline better for I do not have a choice to attain better self-discipline, only an opportunity to learn that eventually snowballs into fully fledged control over my brains somewhat autonomous actions. If you can't be bothered to reply to this, then I proven exactly that you suffer from the same disease of mind that I do AND WHICH YOU BLAME ME FOR! Sucker!

VIC, 942 posts
12 Feb 2017 8:32PM
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drewpweiner said..

billob said..

drewpweiner said..

2old2quit said..

Drewpweiner you are a braver man than I, as there is no way I would ever, ever show my face again at my local after pulling off a stunt like that.

I will also let you know I wear a bright pink harness, have a bowl cut and generally shout at people instead of talking to them. Srsly, its all about deflating your ego

With over 200 forum posts maybe the weiner should go kiting abit more and forget the armband floaty sh%t - not about ego just a lack of commitment to be competent. Somehow i reckon you know this already

What is armband floaty sh&t? At the moment every session my kite has valves popping (2010), literally every session at least one valve goes. So what now then? are you gonna give me flack for not being able to afford a decent kite? Well, i'll have you know I spent all my money on high priced vintage clothes instead and I post so much here because I don't have a very good personal (social) life and find the concept of hearing other people's mundane thoughts without the need for direct visual contact appealing in many aspects and also predominantly for the reason that I, like most other people, are unable to directly discipline their minds in ways which would surpass what expected behaviour patterns are which we are forced into by habit and the operational tendencies of our brains to not analyze deeply about what would be the most important thing to be doing in this moment but rather what is the "easiest" thing to do or the thing that would provide the most pleasure or relief. You can't blame me for being an animal but you can blame me for not KNOWING how to integrate self-discipline better for I do not have a choice to attain better self-discipline, only an opportunity to learn that eventually snowballs into fully fledged control over my brains somewhat autonomous actions. If you can't be bothered to reply to this, then I proven exactly that you suffer from the same disease of mind that I do AND WHICH YOU BLAME ME FOR! Sucker!

For someone who owns a kite repair business you mustn't do a very good job of fixing them valves.

4862 posts
13 Feb 2017 4:05AM
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drewpweiner said..
I am gonna cut the inner tubing up and use it for heel straps on my foot straps. That way when I crash i won't need a leash or a floaty because my board will most likely stay on my feet.

You could attach your board leash to it aswell. Then you will be super safe!

WA, 466 posts
14 Feb 2017 7:56AM
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Loose straps help sometimes to get ure little princess toes up over the Lip, alternatively Forch do a solution....


Forums > Kitesurfing   Newbies / Tips & Tricks

"Inflatable GoJoe board recovery mechanism" started by drewpweiner