Forums > Kitesurfing   Newbies / Tips & Tricks

Should I go it alone?

Created by mob dog > 9 months ago, 22 Feb 2023
mob dog
NSW, 278 posts
22 Feb 2023 4:24PM
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I have now had 3 lessons ( 6hrs ) in a 2 week time frame and I am comfortable and confident launching and landing ( with a second person). I am also confidently body dragging upwind with and without the board and am able to precisely body drag to a stray board when necessary. BUT, I am yet to be able to waterstart and get on the board. Should I continue lessons until I am able to get up and ride the board upwind? The location where I am has a large sandy area about waist to chest deep and offshore wind in flat calm water. My brother will be keeping an eye on me, helping with launching and landing and we will have a jet ski on hand at the ready if necessary.

WA, 2150 posts
22 Feb 2023 3:19PM
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You can have one or two more lessons and you'll be up and away or you can do like me and endure the walk of shame for weeks on end until your thighs are rubbed red raw, a tip I got later was bike pants.

WA, 1561 posts
22 Feb 2023 7:07PM
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Hi Mob dog,

there are a lot more skills to consider before you venture out alone such as self-rescue.

Have a read at this blog article:

I'd recommend more lessons and in deep-waters so you know how to handle a variety of situations even if you can't stand.

Hope this helps

Christian - KiteBud

QLD, 209 posts
23 Feb 2023 7:10AM
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I would hope you've got a few skills after 6 hours, including ability to assess the safety of your site.
If you decide to "go it alone", just make sure you and your brother have a good plan in place regarding use of the jet-ski to retrieve a downed kite. Should be fine; but kites can be awkward to handle for inexperienced people and kite lines in a jet unit wouldn't go too well!
If you've done this, and are confident in your own ability to safely get back to shore (even without jetski assistance), I would think you're good to go and have some fun. You can always go and get another lesson/s later, if you're not having fun /progressing on your own.

mob dog
NSW, 278 posts
23 Feb 2023 5:19PM
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Thanks for the feedback people. I think I will have a few more lessons for now. I have done self rescue only once so far, the instructor showed me how to wrap the lines back on the bar before getting the kite back to shore but it was in waist deep water. I also have not done any re launches from deep water yet. I have another lesson booked this Saturday.

QLD, 1378 posts
23 Feb 2023 8:42PM
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Absolutely no reason you can't stop lessons for a bit and consolidate what you have learned. Do a few hours of launching and landing, body dragging back and forth etc. it's fun and you will get more confidence with setting up and packing up. Sounds like you and your brother are well setup with a good location. Once you start lessons again you will be more confident and get a lot more out of them.

QLD, 1053 posts
26 Feb 2023 9:48PM
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Hi mob dog,
Having at least 1 objective and knowing enough to give yourself a fair crack each time you go out is a helpful strategy.
This is regardless of your decision re-lessons.
I used the progression training video series they cover the basics intermediates a range of kite tricks stages, how to ride waves at a few levels and a foiling series. So a massive reference library excellent analysis and disection well presented well staged and comprehensive.
Have fun don't forget most kiters are happy to chat and help if u get bogged down.
There was an extensive discussion by a series of beginners covering their learning progress- back maybe 2013 - it was a goldmine for those involved. I will have a brief dig for the link.

QLD, 6 posts
4 Mar 2023 10:30PM
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The location isnt optimal for learning, but there is alot to be said for just getting out there and trying stuff. 6 hrs is quite alot of lessons straight up.

NSW, 10 posts
6 Mar 2023 11:03PM
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Yep a mix of both, I'm 12 months in font of you and had a few cracks myself between lessons. I reckon it made the lessons more valuable. Just make sure your bro is FULLY versed up on kite safety. Do your best to stay in shallow water, getting rescued onto a boat while connected to a kite can be tricky, ask me how I know ??

QLD, 1075 posts
7 Mar 2023 4:28PM
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What size kite and style of kite (make and model) are you using? A lot of these questions get asked here, and there's plenty of good advice from Christian and others. But little is paid to the kite itself and what sort of style you're after.

mob dog
NSW, 278 posts
9 Mar 2023 7:16PM
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Select to expand quote
NorthernKitesAUS said..
What size kite and style of kite (make and model) are you using? A lot of these questions get asked here, and there's plenty of good advice from Christian and others. But little is paid to the kite itself and what sort of style you're after.

I bought my own gear just last Friday after reading as many reviews as I could and decided on naish triads 9 and 12 m with the large 55 naish bar and I got a naish hero 140x43 board and I went with a mystic star waist harness, I know your supposed to learn with a seat harness but 21 years of windsurfing makes it feel very uncomfortable and weird having the hook down that low. Hopefully I have chosen suitable gear, I have flown the 9m in very light wind with the de power completely off (it was necessary to keep it in the air) and I felt very comfortable with it.

WA, 10 posts
10 Mar 2023 2:30PM
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G'Day Mob Dog
You could try buying a cheap large light wind board and practice until you can comfortably travel hundreds of metres, go upwind and turn around. It can save many hours of practicing on a smaller board and the cost of many lessons. After about 5 or so sessions you will probably be comfortable on your smaller board. You can than sell your large board for near what you paid for it, or better yet, keep it to extend your kiting into a lower wind range.
Wear a legal buoyancy vest and make sure you are comfortable with self-rescuing. Also wear a Personal Location Beacon if there is a chance you could get blown offshore.
Good Luck


Forums > Kitesurfing   Newbies / Tips & Tricks

"Should I go it alone?" started by mob dog