Forums > Kitesurfing   Newbies / Tips & Tricks

Trying to do a back roll transition - any tips?

Created by WhiskeyAGoGo > 9 months ago, 9 Sep 2016
QLD, 1 posts
9 Sep 2016 2:36PM
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Hi guys,
New to the forum. Great place it seems.
I've been kiting for about 9 years and only in the last 2 have I started to do more than just a few jumps and mowing the lawn.
I can do a back roll, but it's not perfect. I want to see if I can do that and transition at the same time.
What's happening is I don't get enough power to go back the other way and the kite tends to go straight to the edge of the wind-window and depowers itself.
Maybe during the back roll turn, about 3/4 way I should pull my back hand and get that kite back into the wind window?
Much appreciate your time in reply.

QLD, 1371 posts
9 Sep 2016 7:50PM
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the more backrolls you do the better they will get and eventually you will know where the kite is in relation to you
with a normal popped backroll your kite stays in the direction of travel so yeh you will need to reposition the kite if you want to go the other way
you might find it easier in the beginning to land first, board pointing downwind and then move the kite until you get a feel for the timing
IMO the easiest way to transition out of a backroll is to downloop the kite, the smoothest is backroll to toeside with a downloop

TAS, 1664 posts
10 Sep 2016 6:36AM
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Check out ive not tried it myself, but they have free instructions that seem to make sense.

QLD, 799 posts
10 Sep 2016 7:40AM
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Rails is on the money....

timing being the most important factor

If u are proficient at backrolls and sliding transitions then put the two together and keep practicing with the timing of re-directing the kite...

Another crucial point is hand position on the bar,,,,it is important to have both hands at the centre of the bar

Unless of course u want to throw in a loop with the back hand and a grab with ur free hand,,,,then it's not that important

VIC, 942 posts
10 Sep 2016 12:08PM
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Its fairly simple, just take your kite to 12 and when you are just about to stop look over your shoulder, point upwind and pop, then dive the kite. Ive found the key is to go really slowly into it otherwise you will feel like the kite doesn't have enough power to pull your through the transition.

QLD, 6493 posts
10 Sep 2016 12:19PM
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Learned about back rolls doing them as transitions...

Carve hard upwind.
Sheet out a bit.
Let the kite go up to the zenith.
Just before you come to a stop (and the kite is at zenith) pop off the water. You're only going to need about a 90 degree rotation so don't overdo it.
Sheet in to hover.
Redirect hard and ride away. (Loop is the wind is light)

Start with that. Your can do little hops that hover just above the water, and work up to big floaty ones. Then on to regular back rolls and use a loop to yank you back the other way...

QLD, 1694 posts
11 Sep 2016 6:35AM
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I think the pop is a big factor. You don't want hight, so carve longer then you would for a normal roll

QLD, 2 posts
12 Sep 2016 4:25PM
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This one works for me...

QLD, 12 posts
13 Sep 2016 10:15AM
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Just keep your hands in the middle of the bar so you don't drop the kite or kite loop by accident. When you spot your landing dive your kite for speed.

QLD, 1292 posts
20 Sep 2016 8:41PM
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Ramrom is actually correct.

As your body weight and momentum pulls the kite past the edge of the window and kills all the power, this is the best time to pull a kiteloop.
Don't worry it wont make much power here, just gets it back into the window.

NSW, 861 posts
23 Sep 2016 6:24PM
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Agree with the others.
Without a loop its easier if your in the upper wind range.
Otherwise kiteloop to pull you out of the hole.


Forums > Kitesurfing   Newbies / Tips & Tricks

"Trying to do a back roll transition - any tips?" started by WhiskeyAGoGo