Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

2008 NAish Bridle system

Created by datratman > 9 months ago, 16 Jan 2015
NSW, 12 posts
16 Jan 2015 5:21PM
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My Comments:
Just wondering if anyone had some ideas for adjusting a bridle and back line issues on my Cult I have replaced the 9m bridle gear on my cult, and when I fly it now, the back lines collapse or fold the kite when I steer it hard to the opposite wind window when it 100% powered up or 75% power up. I have put extension pig tails on the back lines and no results. I have double checked the line order and its correct as per instructions. any tips anyone, besides retiring the kite Cheers PJ


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"2008 NAish Bridle system" started by datratman