Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

2008 Naish Boxer SLE 12 Metre - To fly or not to fly?

Created by SDM1984 > 9 months ago, 7 Mar 2022
1 posts
7 Mar 2022 4:10PM
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I was given a practically unused kite by a mate but was told in a kiting store that those older models were deathtraps. Are they right?

QLD, 1053 posts
8 Mar 2022 7:59AM
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At the time they weren't. If it was 2009 same qu wouldn't be an issue..
Now 14 yrs on.. not so much the design.. Current or more recent kit has evolved incrementally.. Safety and ease of use are always quoted..
If u r a beginner a whole range of age related issues are likely to cause unnecessary risk.. And probably if nothing worse a distraction from kiting trying to keep the kit useable.
Kite equipment ages like clothes not say a car.
Used..on demand Low/no maintenance plan. If not sold on when afew years old and still a goer.. Left in shed till they turnup as a "gift"...
If u are learning get someone who can help to assess it.. It is not a DIY for a beginner for you and anyone around if u try..
I checked out an old 2012 few months back.. Everything was really good except .. Big except... the depower and line setup around the bar.. So newish bar/lines and kite was good to go for how it was used..

8 Mar 2022 11:39AM
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Depends where you're located and how it's been stored, but chances of a 2008 kite pumping up and holding air after the first use or two are pretty slim. Glue on the valves is almost certainly on it's way out, especially if you're somewhere hot and humid.

It's unlikely to be worth spending the money on replacing all the valves etc. although it may be old enough to be multi-pump, which will save you a few valves. 5 struts though I'd be betting. If it has the octopus internal one-pump system, forget it.

Have you tried pumping it up yet?

2008 Naish bar should have full flagging safety, but a 2008 kite leaves a lot to be desired in terms of beginner friendly flying features.

It may be 2006/07 actually, as 2008 was the first year of the Sigma series. It's a long time ago now, but I don't recall any traditional shaped kites from Naish in 2008 other than the Torch. Full lineup went to the sigma series, Helix, Cult etc.

If it's a 2007 bar, it may not have full flagging safety which is definitely a no go for learning. Even if it's a newer 2008 etc. bars have often been modified or may not be the standard model for that year. Someone experienced, ideally an instructor, really needs to look over your bar first to confirm it's safe before you even consider flying it.

Best case, it's going to make learning significantly more difficult than it needs to be. Can't say I'd recommend it.

WA, 1877 posts
10 Mar 2022 8:31PM
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Piss in your mates beer - he knows better

QLD, 1078 posts
29 Mar 2022 12:02PM
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SDM1984 said..
I was given a practically unused kite by a mate but was told in a kiting store that those older models were deathtraps. Are they right?

No. They are wrong.

I've had the same kite for years, but the 15m size and it was a brilliant kite in 12knots of wind, as a session saver. It was fast, durable and had great boost. Yes an old, very old kite, but it was not like the Slingshot Link! Way better design and I dare say - way ahead of its time. I sold it recently to a local and he's also more than happy with it. Try it and see. Not all kites suit all styles.


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"2008 Naish Boxer SLE 12 Metre - To fly or not to fly?" started by SDM1984