Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

2013/2014 CrazyFly Sculp 12m Need Review!

Created by prastis > 9 months ago, 5 Aug 2014
68 posts
5 Aug 2014 3:13AM
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Any reviews for this specific Kite since I cant seem to find a comprehensive unbiased review anywhere on the internet?

Thank you

WA, 8407 posts
5 Aug 2014 5:36AM
Thumbs Up I've seen it reviewed a few times , all by the same rider

QLD, 191 posts
5 Aug 2014 10:47AM
Thumbs Up

I recently got a 12m 2014 Sculp before winter, I got to say i love the kite, I had problems finding unbiased reviews for them also, glad i swapped over now though, Ill give you a quick run down of my thoughts on it and where ive come from to see if its comparable to you,

Ive been riding 2013 Best ts's for about a year and a half mainly freestyle, freeride and starting wakestyle and generally ride a 138x43 im 80kg. Ive had this kite out now a total of 8 times in winds ranging between nothing and the kite falling out of the sky in a wind shadow and 26 knots. Im not a team rider or a sponsored rider of any kind, though donations are always welcome.

What i like-
Easy relaunch ability (but not really better or worse than the best) seems to sit nicely in the window and has a nice constant pull, very limited back stalling (it has back stalled before but that was in sub 12 knots and i really wouldn't count that as i shouldn't of had it up in those winds, the depower is fantastic i have been up to 26knots on the 12 and still have had depower left (though i do love riding powered for big jumps) And it is very easy to fly fully sheeted in and while unhooked. (better than the TS in my opinion) The lines are also nice and heavy duty and the center lines can easily be untangled just above the chicken loop (though i prefer Naish's set up for untangling centre lines its still a lot better than some kites ive flown) And the bar is just gorgeous

What i dont like-
12mm inflation (i dont know why all kites dont have a wide inflation like the BEST kites and a few others do now) the chicken loop looks cool and i thinks its a good design with some minor tweaking but it is an absolute bitch to put back together, though with the more times i pull it apart it seems to be getting easier to put together (don't know if that's me or not) the lines are still pretty rigid and its not a problem for land launching but deep water launches you have to be very careful about how you let your lines out otherwise they birdnest pretty bad, im thinking that one is just me though (though i havent had the problem on other kites, i just think the lines are too new). and i personally would prefer a bit more Dacron on some wear points, not that i have had a problem yet, i just like the idea of a really really tough kite.

in Summery-
I really like this kite, it flys well and handles nicely for what i want a couple of small things annoy me but I can put up with them, in regards to the chickenloop i never pop the safety when im on the water and ride suicide 100% of the time so not really a problem. and it just takes me slightly longer to pump my kite up than some others. My personal opinion would be to buy the kite, i think 95% of twintip freestyle riders would love it. And im looking at buying a smaller 9m 2014 shortly when i can sell some other gear.

68 posts
5 Aug 2014 1:27PM
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Greggor fantastic input really really appreciate it. Few questions though
1. Do u consider this kite to be a value for money or do u think with the same amount of money u can purchase something which does not have the disadvantages u Listed?
2. If I am not mistaken u mentioned something about build quality. How's the quality overall..? Do u think the materials and the design of the kite make the kite vulnerable to damage or the quality is same as with other brands?
3. Supposingly in Europe where I am from they have amazing customer service. Have you had any experience on this part from Australia?
4. Do u think the drawbacks u Listed are very limiting for a beginner like my self or as long as the kite flies well all the rest are minor issues?
Once again thank u very much for your time and assistance

QLD, 191 posts
5 Aug 2014 4:26PM
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Dont get me wrong, i really like this kite, i was just trying to provide a few of the things that i think need need improving and giving an unbiased opinion. I could find something id change on just about any kite i fly, as far as sculp goes it is one of the best kites ive ever flown (something i wasnt expecting when i first flew it) to answer your points

1- Every kites has certain advantages and disadvantages, it is defiantly worth the money as im willing to buy another. There are things i dont like about best kites and naish kites etc and things i love about them also but i wasnt doing a review on them so i didnt mention them

2- Build quality is quite sturdy overall as good as any other major brand, i havent had anything wrong with mine at all yet and it doesnt look like its going to either. Give me a full year on the kite and ill be able to tell you more after i thrash it week in week out.

3-I did have a quick chat to some of the people from crazyfly in Slovakia before i got the kite and they seemed nice and helpful, I havent talked to any rep in australia and havent had anything go wrong so there has been no need really.

4- the drawbacks are minor and the kite flys well for a beginner, real park and ride sort of stuff, doesnt need massive input to fly it. So im thinking it would be good for you. really it depends on who is giving the best deal at the time though like anything.

68 posts
5 Aug 2014 3:09PM
Thumbs Up

Fantastic, yes ur right every kite has its advantages and disadvantages. I will talk with the dealer today and see what he can hook me with.

Once again thank u very very much for all the info. Really people in this forum are amazing.



Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"2013/2014 CrazyFly Sculp 12m Need Review!" started by prastis