Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

2014 Drifter with a 2015 Bar

Created by GJOchoa > 9 months ago, 8 Apr 2015
SA, 105 posts
8 Apr 2015 5:03PM
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My Comments: As advised by Cabrinha Technical Support I bought a 2015 Cabrinha Bar (as I wanted to upgrade to the new QR System) to fly my 2014 Drifter. I was advised that the performance would be the same. It turned out that the kite did not fly as it should. I've tried three different sizes (8, 9 and 11) at different wind conditions, and compare the 'fly' with two different 2014 bar. with the 2015 bar the 2014 Drifter is a completely crap different kite.

Cabrinha Technical Support do not know what the problem could be, they are currently making some tests (demos or simulations) and will get back to me about it. The V split on the 2014 bar is 2 inches forward when compare with the 2015; and the 2015 centre lines split separated by one inch (metal spreader), whereas the 2014 centre lines are together where they separate. One of my kite friends (highly experienced kiter) reckons that this should not make a big difference.

Has anyone experienced something similar with 2014 Cabrinha kites and 2015 Bars, specifically Drifters??

11 posts
8 Apr 2015 4:42PM
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I've been usimg a 2015 bar / lines with a 2014 drifter for the past year without any differences / issues with kite dynamics.
I use the same bar with a number of 2015 drifters as well. I think that I may have used a 2014 bar / lines with a 2015 drifter at least once or twice without issue.
I'd start by checking laying out the lines (2014/2015) to check that the lengths are the same overall. I tend to agree with your mate about the centre lines.
Your local dealer should be able to sort it out pretty quickly?


SA, 105 posts
9 Apr 2015 9:17AM
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Thanks Stitches.

Have you ride the 2014 drifter with a 2014 bar?

We did check the lines lengths and they are all the same, the only differences we found was the V spreader thingy and the V splitting position :( bugger!!! I may have a bad batch :P

Yeah, my mate is sort of like the local dealer expert...

NSW, 129 posts
13 Apr 2015 9:18PM
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I currently have Cab Drifters 2013 Sizes 9,11, and a 13 Drifter 2015. I have been using my 2015 Control Bar (Adjustable) between all 3 Kites. I have had No Issues using my Bar between all 3 Kites. I have flown them in winds of 33 - 12 K, No Dramas. There Must be something wrong with your setup.

WA, 8 posts
19 Dec 2015 2:44PM
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I bought a second hand 2015 Drifter and a new 22m 2016 Bar and lines. The kite totally sucks, just shots through the window and has so little power, kiting with it is a nightmare. I would sell the kite, but I have already given it too much damage, so will just keep t in my quiver. Yesterday after a terrible session, I was thinking maybe it is because it was second hand, maybe the kite is just stretched on something, like the first owner got the best miles from it and now it is on its last legs. If I have the money, my first choice will be new going forward (though I am buying a second hand kite in a few days).

VIC, 859 posts
20 Dec 2015 12:25AM
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There should be no difference in the feel of the 2014 and 2015 at all unless the bar lengths are different, then it is not the year of the bar but the size...

WA, 8 posts
25 Dec 2015 7:08PM
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I am also fairly new to kiting with a surfboard an I am struggling going toe-side and gybing - I was getting a bit better yesterday, and know that the drifter does drift really well, when it sits there, it just does nothing and that must be great if one is on a wave. Today though i went out and saw I had forgotten my lines on the beach, so my Christmas surprise was no lines, so no kiting. Those lines cost $600. Hope somebody posts them up at lost and found.

SA, 449 posts
31 Dec 2015 1:46PM
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Could be the operator.


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"2014 Drifter with a 2015 Bar" started by GJOchoa