Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

2015 Liquid Force envy 10.5m

Created by PaulyOS > 9 months ago, 15 Nov 2014
199 posts
15 Nov 2014 1:08AM
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Rider: 75kg, Beginner
Style: Freestyle
Weather: 15-20 knots

Looking at the new Liquid force 2015 Envy in a 10.5m size. Curious to see if anyone has tested out/owns this kite. Is a 10.5m too 'in the middle'? Should I be looking at a 12 and 8m quiver? I live in Perth WA so wind conditions are pretty strong most of the year (15-20 knots on avg.)


NSW, 502 posts
15 Nov 2014 11:13AM
Thumbs Up

In my experience, having an 8 and 12 gap is way too much. 8 to 10.5 is perfect. You'll miss out on the beautiful 20-25 knot sweet spot as you'll be either overpowered on 12m or underpowered on 8m! The new Envy flies really nicely though!


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"2015 Liquid Force envy 10.5m" started by PaulyOS