Rider: 52kg advanced rider
Style: Freestyle and Wave
Weather: 15-25
Supplier: Airborne Kitesurfing
My Comments:
Being only 157cm tall and light weight female I find it really hard to find a board that is suited to my needs. The diamond ticks all of the boxes for me. Finally I have found a board that has a narrower stance for my short legs and smaller footstraps to fit my midget feet in :)
The board is a fantastic board for everything. It has heaps of flex which is great for kiting in choppy conditions. Because of the flex hard landings from freestyle tricks are nice and soft without any jarring. The flex also prevents spray in your face that you can get from stiff boards in choppy conditions.
The board spins freely for surface passes and has great load and pop capability for raleys and s bends. Bruna Kajiya is using this board competing in the world tour.
The board gets planning early and travels nice and fast across the water and feels very light and zippy.
I have use the board at choppy Pinnaroo point and some wave riding at Trigg beach / Thirds. At Trigg it was gusting upto 25knots and I found the board to be fantastic. I could have some fun on the waves without catching a rail thanks to the super flex of the board.
The board is super responsive, fast and very light. I love it :)