Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

2016 Slingshot Butter Bar

Created by bigtone667 > 9 months ago, 1 Oct 2015
NSW, 1516 posts
1 Oct 2015 3:57PM
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Rider: 100kg,Level (intermediate)
Style: Freeriding, Surf,
Weather: chrono 18m in 10 knots, and chrono 12 in 15 to 20 knots and a 10m slingshot SST in 25+ knots, glassy to three foot waves
Build Quality: 10/10
Satisfaction: 10/10
Disclosure: (e.g. work at a shop/team rider etc) : None

My Comments: 2016 Slingshot Butter Bar

I have a thing for unusual board types and I came across the 2016 Slingshot Butter Bar (wakesurfer), and I thought it might meet all my requirements for light to middling wind in small surf.

I have ridden a few skim boards over the past few years (slingshot scud, XL Victoria skim) and the Butter Bar essentially had the same length and width as the Victoria skim, and I love the colour orange, so I thought I would give it a go.

So where the victoria skim and slingshot scud are essentially flat except for a small rocker in the nose, the Butter Bar consists of two long concaves the length of the board and then two smaller concaves at the edges (possible grab handles), and almost no rocker through the board at all. You will not be using this board for un-powered skimming on the waters edge/sand.

The Butter Bar comes with three 50mm twin tip fins and a full deck pad.

I started in the glassy conditions and had no issues at all gybing on the board. It sits really well in the water under power and it is easy to move your feet around. The everywhere deck pad is fantastic.

Although the fins are small, you can still put a lot of pressure on the board without it sliding out from under you (it's not a surfboard, but it is pretty good).

Once I headed into the small surf, I had no issues at all jumping the board and landing it. Appears to be as tough as nails.

I had no issues surfing the Butter Bar and caught some really great waves, with lots of little turns (nothing enormous - I lack that skill). But still some of the best little waves I have ever caught.

In super choppy conditions I did fly over the front of the board a few times due to burying the nose (no rocker).

When the bigger winds picked up, this thing just continued to sit brilliantly in the water.

I had no troubles going up wind in the light or heavy wind conditions.

So if you are interested in a skim board, this is the best I have ridden so far.

NSW, 1516 posts
1 Oct 2015 4:13PM
Thumbs Up


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"2016 Slingshot Butter Bar" started by bigtone667