Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

2020 Ozone Edge V10, 10m

Created by martinmm5 > 9 months ago, 9 Nov 2019
NSW, 44 posts
9 Nov 2019 12:03PM
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Two weeks ago I borrowed from Kitepower for a demo a new 10m Edge V10 and loved that so much that after the session just text them that I do not bring it back but keep it. :-)

I have already V9, 8m and 10m. I have also recently tried a new 2020 9m Rebel, 9m North Orbit and 10m Core XR6. While Orbit has the fastest turning speed and loops better, Rebel may have a more direct feel and XR6 maybe the most universal and user friendly of these kites, the new Edge has the highest boosting potential and hang time for a non-professional mid-age kiter like me :-) I felt very comfortable on 10m in 25-35 knots, boosting jumps up to 18.9m (according to Woo) without feeling being really overpowered or not in control of the kite. You can see the wind and jump data at photos. I also like low bar pressure (great for my tennis elbows...) and great de-power just by pushing bar away. This what prevents me from being pulled down wind before the take off and power on on takeoff.

In comparison to V9, V10 feels a bit faster, more stable and has more lift. It is very smooth and predictable. Only XR6 is similar in this respect, although with a bit less of the lift.

Soo, if you are thinking about a new BigAir kite, demo the new Edge. If you are still just learning to jump high, try XR6, it pulls you out of any trouble and you need to do nothing else but pull bar to fly. Jump transitions are easier than normal one. If you are a pro on the way to Redbull King of The Air, Orbit or Rebel may be your choice. :-)

I may add few words once I try my Edge on foil and try the new 8m I have got today.

QLD, 24 posts
9 Nov 2019 5:47PM
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Hi Martin, have had V10 11m edge for a couple of weeks now and am like minded with your review, ordered 8m yesterday.

NSW, 44 posts
27 Nov 2019 8:27AM
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Finally we had some wind to try a 8m V10 Edge. Again, it feels a bit faster than V9, but also goes down from big jumps a bit faster, so you really need to send it forward or downloop before the touchdown and have the timing right. My g-force on landing was definitely higher than usual :-) Well, I have something to work on.

WA, 1501 posts
30 Nov 2019 11:26AM
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18 metres is pretty massive by anyone's standards.
Does the 6.7G's imply you absolutely destroyed yourself on the landing, or is that the pull on takeoff?

NSW, 44 posts
3 Dec 2019 7:16AM
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6.7g is still ok, was not a crash just high landing speed. I just need to adjust my landing technique when on a smaller kite. 10m is too easy :-)

NSW, 44 posts
4 Dec 2019 6:50PM
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An update on foiling:

I tried both 8m and 10m on foil, both good, especially 8m was super fun, fast and smooth, dealing with gusts quite well.
The only issue was when I made a mistake and dropped the kite in the light wind. Edge is a high aspect kite, so putting back to the air requires more wind than Neo or Flysurfer Soul that usually use on foil. Speed comes at the price. :-)

NSW, 44 posts
27 Dec 2019 9:27PM
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I guess my landing force on new 8m v10 is back to normal. It just took me few sessions to adjust my technique :-)

4862 posts
28 Dec 2019 6:18AM
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How much do you weigh? 35 knot gust on a 10m is insane. I would not consider even looking at my 2013 10m edge above 28 knots gust.

I also think you could probably boost higher on the 8m in those winds.

QLD, 6493 posts
28 Dec 2019 11:41AM
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6 seconds doesn't sound like much hang-time for 18m ...

NSW, 44 posts
21 Jan 2020 7:36AM
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NSW, 1645 posts
23 Jan 2020 7:37AM
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Well after more than 10 years of kiting I have decided to get back into some TT boosting to mix it up. I have mainly ridden surf boards and foils the last 4 years or so, and have spend almost zero time on a tt since I got on the surfboard about 8 years ago. Love boosting, but I mainly jumped (strapped) with a surfboard. Been riding the Reo's since V3.
So I got me a new Shin Monk Mental (what a sweet ride!) and and 8 meter Edge. I am about 82 kilos and wanted this for the 20 knot plus conditions. I went out yesterday with it for the first time and had some solid air time, land a few perfectly and had a few ugly landings. I am pretty rusty in this department. I can get the kite up there, but I seem to lose my forward momentum and when I redirect I am going across the wind instead of down wind with no forward momentum. I am not keen on looping this beast yet, though I did do a couple of down loops for some nice landings. I just don't understand what I am doing right, and what I am doing wrong. I seem to end up at the apex before redirect with very little down wind momentum, and thus when I redirect I go across the wind, if my words make sense. Anyhow, I have the perfect combo for jumping, and the kite feels really smooth, slowish, and steady. Now it's up to me....Any tips would be quite handy.

VIC, 1610 posts
23 Jan 2020 10:07AM
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^^^ Sounds like you could initiate the jump with the kite a bit lower in the window and don't need to send it quite as far back. With this approach, the kite ascends as you do, staying somewhat in front and downwind of you, and you can feather the bar on the ascent so as to let the kite climb efficiently, but with still enough line tension that it keeps pulling you up higher without killing your momentum on the horizontal axis.

Of course the timing and power of your edging and releasing from the water play a big part. I haven't ridden a monk but I know they're not very stiff. It may take some experimenting to tune into how the board feels at the optimum point of loading the heelside edge and therefore building line tension. Maybe so soft a board (especially compared to jumping surfboards) can be pushed too hard, to the point that energy is wasted bending the board more than necessary?

Just 2c from a fellow foiling convert who still boosts now and then and also has to relearn and remember some of the timing and feel for that side of the sport.

WA, 9572 posts
23 Jan 2020 9:07AM
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Been watching a big boosting international dude at the pond lately who is from Switzerland and does all that ... jump off a mountain with kites at home. He sends it but then shoots it forward and fast back again across the window... he then redirects back across the window to 12.... then back again for a downloop or a even a multiple sometimes. Gets incredible hangtime and distance.

NSW, 1645 posts
23 Jan 2020 5:07PM
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Cheers guys, all good advice. We had a couple of legends getting some big air when they passed our area, it got me excited. Not going to go mental like them, but a good boost is a good boost! I wish we had more dudes (or dudettes) who have that skill pass through here, watching how they do it and seeing the whole package, edging, loading, release etc, and where the kite should sit is a great way to learn.

4862 posts
23 Jan 2020 5:13PM
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My guess is that your timing is way out through lack of practice for the boost fest. I was the same after being hydrofoil only for 6 months.

Give it a few sessions and you will get the mojo back again.

PS The edge loves speed. Go as fast as fark then send it as hard as fark. Then..... let the bar our so the kite can breath, You might be chocking it down and or holding it back for too long.

As eppo says get it wanging above your head forward and back for the big ones. The let the bar out on the way down and redirect hard with bar in for a pillowy soft landing.

WA, 8407 posts
24 Jan 2020 6:57PM
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General consensus from v10 users is it needs to be piloted further back in the window than previous models when jumping

NSW, 1645 posts
25 Jan 2020 8:03AM
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cauncy said..
General consensus from v10 users is it needs to be piloted further back in the window than previous models when jumping

Further back as in left to right? Or deeper into the wind window? Cheers

WA, 515 posts
25 Jan 2020 1:58PM
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I found the v10 very nice indeed. Very small changes. Tiny bit smoother, tiny bit faster, still an excellent booster. I believe it loops better now.


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"2020 Ozone Edge V10, 10m" started by martinmm5