Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

Airush 2024 sneak peak

Created by KiteBud > 9 months ago, 14 Sep 2023
WA, 1564 posts
14 Sep 2023 8:08AM
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Hi Airush fans,

Airush was presenting the new gear lineup at the 2023 AWSI event in Hood River, Oregon. The public release of the new Airush and AK gear is only a few days away, but in the meantime you can take a peak at the new gear in the video below.

Kites presentation start at 16:30



Christian - KiteBud

628 posts
14 Sep 2023 4:19PM
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The Lithium team series looks an interesting kite. I fancy a trial on one of those.

Any ideas when they are likely to hit the shops?

WA, 1564 posts
14 Sep 2023 4:36PM
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weebitbreezy said..
The Lithium team series looks an interesting kite. I fancy a trial on one of those.

Any ideas when they are likely to hit the shops?

Indeed, it should be an awesome kite, We can't wait to try it!

Where are you located ?

A demo can be arranged in Perth this summer.

We should get them towards the end of October.

WA, 1564 posts
30 Sep 2023 11:51AM
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WA, 1564 posts
6 Dec 2023 5:31AM
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We just got hold of the new Lithium Team kites and have a 9m available for demo in Perth!

Absolutely amazing kites, can't wait to try them in strong winds!

We also have a demo 9m Lift Team. The production has been delayed for those kites and the Lift Team should be available to purchase at some point next year.

Get in touch to book a demo

Christian - KiteBud

7 posts
15 Feb 2024 10:28PM
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I've been absolutely loving the Team Edition Session

QLD, 280 posts
17 Feb 2024 2:22PM
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I wonder why the new ultra team only starts at 7m? Seems almost "mid size" for a dedicated foil kite

WA, 1564 posts
17 Feb 2024 6:19PM
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KBGhost said..
I wonder why the new ultra team only starts at 7m? Seems almost "mid size" for a dedicated foil kite

The advantages of using these high-end lightweight materials are barely noticeable in the smaller sizes compared to the standard construction. That's the reason why. I own an Ultra team 5m and it goes way too far upwind to the point of losing speed on the foil. Airush decided to stop making team kites under 7m for all models for the reason mentioned above.

Froth Goth
1004 posts
21 Feb 2024 6:36AM
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Oi matey

With naish bailing out of the torch im down to nearly no 5 line pure c kites to play with.

I decided not to support companys that dont support freestyle so im curious if you could get some information on the airrush razor are they releaseing a 2025 model this year etc etc bar details etc etc

The market basically belongs to duotone now

I havent flown a razor since 2015 so im keen to hear some inside goss if ya have any

Details like when was the bar last updated manufacture dates/years when last razors were updated/manufactured and if any updates planned for future etc etc

You know just put a little heat on the boys at duotone for me as the vegas hasnt changed for a number of years now and we recieve next to zero airrush pop and spruik over here on the east coast

QLD, 280 posts
22 Feb 2024 6:38AM
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KiteBud said..

KBGhost said..
I wonder why the new ultra team only starts at 7m? Seems almost "mid size" for a dedicated foil kite

The advantages of using these high-end lightweight materials are barely noticeable in the smaller sizes compared to the standard construction. That's the reason why. I own an Ultra team 5m and it goes way too far upwind to the point of losing speed on the foil. Airush decided to stop making team kites under 7m for all models for the reason mentioned above.

Good info, thanks.

I own the Ultra team 6m and enjoy it when we have wind strong enough to need it. But it's not worlds different to fly from the old beaten up Ozone Alpha 6m that I was using previously in the same winds, so I can see the logic.


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"Airush 2024 sneak peak" started by KiteBud