Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

Airush AMP

Created by coreyb > 9 months ago, 13 Dec 2017
WA, 463 posts
13 Dec 2017 4:58PM
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I've recently got hold of a 5'6 Amp.

On first look I thought it had too much volume for me and looked more like a board I'd like to surf on. I thought it wouldn't hold speed and would be hard to turn tightly on.

After riding it I'm glad to say I couldn't be more wrong. I absolutely loved it. Turns on a dime, holds a rail through fast bottom turns and doesn't feel like a boat as I expected it to.

Im still very keen to give it a go surfing, but being summer might not happen any time soon.

I really like the rounded nose, I feel it's a lot less likely to snap off getting bounced around in the Shorey.

Id recommend trying to get one for a demo.
(Disclosure: I love Airush gear)

VIC, 1477 posts
13 Dec 2017 11:15PM
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back to (the future) PU boards, how's the extra glass around the front foot

looks good and prob surfable but wouldn't pay more than 500 for it

WA, 1363 posts
14 Dec 2017 7:49AM
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How many L ?

WA, 1097 posts
14 Dec 2017 9:06AM
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thought the same, Airush going back to poly.
I swear by poly boards, dont have to worry bout them soaking up water, their brittleness and lack of point load when ur bar gets jammed in the nose and as Corey says, getting slammed into the sand.
I do wonder if the extra glass is a good idea in just that area, would be like when you repair a board from creasing, generally snaps or creases at the lap of extra glass.

NSW, 484 posts
14 Dec 2017 1:05PM
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is it epoxy on a PU core or polyester resin on a PU core?

WA, 490 posts
14 Dec 2017 12:50PM
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I believe its epoxy on an eps core..

more details here

Saw the AMP for the first time at the Mid West Windiest, didn't get to try it but just on look and feel I was sold and it will be my next allrounder.

Disclaimer: Airush dealer

VIC, 1477 posts
15 Dec 2017 2:28PM
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CAUTION said..
thought the same, Airush going back to poly.
I swear by poly boards, dont have to worry bout them soaking up water, their brittleness and lack of point load when ur bar gets jammed in the nose and as Corey says, getting slammed into the sand.
I do wonder if the extra glass is a good idea in just that area, would be like when you repair a board from creasing, generally snaps or creases at the lap of extra glass.

yep second that, had an epoxy vader with cracked deck was fixed twice then the whole bottom creased in normal surf, was told strengthening one part weakens another

at least poly boards dent and bend in a gradual fashion

WA, 20 posts
20 Dec 2017 6:29AM
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Wow ! Looks good ...some of the design features are similar to what marty uses in Margs

WA, 463 posts
21 Dec 2017 1:47PM
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It's definitely an epoxy, not PU.
ive been riding it for a few weeks now and love it more than I did to start with. Holds a rail, slides when you want it to. Doesn't bounce around in the chop.
If your thinking this might be a board you might be interested in, I know for a fact Airborne has a demo available.


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"Airush AMP" started by coreyb