Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

Anyone have experience with the Switch Nitro3 8m?

Created by SetAdrift > 9 months ago, 2 Mar 2014
WA, 139 posts
11 Mar 2014 2:32PM
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Forgot to say, I also have an 8m nitro v3 and it goes real well. I would say it would be a better noob kite than the c4. There is other things but the main reason is the nitro?s better relaunch.

As for the ozone c4 defect, this is the defect I am talking about (it actually effected other models as well):

WA, 9573 posts
11 Mar 2014 3:20PM
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Oh okay Pete that's a bit different. My bros C4 hasn't shown this, must not have been in that batch...who knows.

Yep good kite the nitro in that sort of category, try and demo one...

Ps like their bar, excellent piece of equipment.

WA, 397 posts
12 Mar 2014 2:48PM
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I flew the previous nitro and it flew quite well and boosted well also. Had horrible relaunch if the wind wasnt howling though. Not sure if they have changed this though.

WA, 139 posts
12 Mar 2014 2:54PM
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nitro v2 no same same as nitro v3. BIG BIG difference, i don't recommend the v2 for noobies

QLD, 53 posts
14 Mar 2014 8:23PM
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Had a 2012 switch blade. Great kite. Bought Element 2 . Build is excellent.

NSW, 6451 posts
15 Mar 2014 4:18AM
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Been hammering the crap out of a switch nitro for a couple of seasons in the surf, still looking like new, no repairs as yet, touch wood.
Also fly ozones, the switch has well out lasted the ozone in the fading and wearing out department. Both kites are good and love riding them though, one has just out lasted the other.
But you cant blame shop guy for trying to bag out a kite that is half the price new of what he is selling at his shop. It was always going to piss the shop guys off losing business to internet sales of gear as good, if not better, quality that they cant compete with.

As for the nitro3, havent tried it yet but one of the locals here just picked one up and is raving about it,, cant wait to take it for a spin.


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"Anyone have experience with the Switch Nitro3 8m?" started by SetAdrift