Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

Axis TwinWave

Created by shi thouse > 9 months ago, 7 Dec 2016
shi thouse
WA, 1145 posts
7 Dec 2016 11:19AM
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I am seriously considering adding this board to my others and am hoping on getting an updated review. Previous reviews were done back in 2014 and I am keen to hear how this board has changed and whether it is worth shelling out the clams to buy one.

Currently I own an Axis Limited and a North Nugget (copy - that I ride purely strapless). Most of my riding is done on flat to slightly choppy water however, occasionally I venture onto the ocean and ride in small, choppy surf.

I am keen on the TwinWave as it seems to tick the boxes better than most in that it still has some TT qualities though can have a directional preference. I want the board to cope well with chop and when in the surf play well and ride small to mid waves.

Since 2014 there has been a board released each year though there is such a small amount of reviews and no video footage of this board (being used) that I have found. This could be a good thing or maybe a bad thing.

Any out there that would be happy to post pics and review the new models (preferably 2015 onwards).

QLD, 398 posts
11 Dec 2016 6:20PM
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Hi, i have a 2016 Twinwave, I have only ridden this one a few times but used to have an underground srf which was almost the same board. I missed it so bought a new one.

I had it out yesterday for 3 Hours on my 10m Enduro and it was a blast! I run it with a thruster set up one end, and the foot straps offset towards the thruster end. It still twintips fine and actually goes upwind really well with this setup. There is absolutely no spray on this board with the surf rails. It loads up for jumps really well, riding off the fins as much as the rail. It lands super smooth as it flexes nicely, great on my knees. Surf wise it is the best twintip compromise I've found for bottom turning and riding a wave, not as good as my surfboard, but great for those choppier days and the days when you want to go big and still go crazy carving everything!

Its a super fun board!

shi thouse
WA, 1145 posts
11 Dec 2016 8:46PM
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Cheers Benk

Appreciate your feedback.

Are you familiar with what changes were made to the board between 2015 and 2016?

QLD, 398 posts
12 Dec 2016 8:33PM
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I haven't seen both but I don't think it was much more than graphics and footpads maybe?


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"Axis TwinWave" started by shi thouse