Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

Better, better Best Cabo

Created by pumpnjump > 9 months ago, 22 Dec 2013
WA, 260 posts
22 Dec 2013 3:02PM
Thumbs Up

November 2012 I received my 7m and 9m Best Cabo, lovely kites, great construction and by all reports an awesome wave kite, however I was used to riding a fast flickable free ride kite, at the time the Best TS, I found it hard to adjust, i kept reading write ups about wave kites drift and smooth transitions but this did not translate into the best kiting experience for me, I had a couple of unbelievable sessions at Gnaraloo, but that was cross to cross offshore. So I remained stuck in my ways riding waves throwing my kite around as fast as I could.
Persuaded by our local unhooked strapless expert (dready Nick) I did persevere, I was encouraged to get this years Cabo the V2 by Robert the Best importer and Tim from the G Spot Geraldton, now a year later, how perseverance pays off, like your favourite music that endures, the ones you grow to love not short lived instant likes the Cabo is THE kite, everything the makers say, great drift smooth and far more power than I first encountered, it's a different kind of pull but I am now using the same size Cabo as I was the TS, whereas earlier in the piece I was going a meter larger.
I love to boost heading out and any kicker the Cabo gives me plenty of height and soft landings, it drifts so well(faster than the wind:-)) loops nicely, reasonably quick upwind. the new high flow inflation valve is a step forward, so easy and quick to pump up. Relaunch is almost up there with the Kahoona, which being delta style relaunches itself.
As with all kites these days, listen to some of the hype, ignore most, and give it a demo, unfortunately unless you are a gun wave rider already, you will not get the most out of these on your first session, you dial into them, you get better, the kite gets better, it has been a year of growth for me, which after 14 years kiting is still making me super stoked!! my only wish is I had persevered when I first got them, probably a month full on use would have done it.
Happy Christmas to all, hope you are enjoying the winds we are in Geraldton!:-)


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"Better, better Best Cabo" started by pumpnjump