Rider: 82kg, Intermediate
Style: Freeriding, Surf, & Freestyle
Weather: 15knots
Build Quality: 9/10
Satisfaction: 9/10
Disclosure: no affiliation
Just a newbie contributing to the forums and I thought I would share with you my impressions of my Cab FX 12m (2015).
I got to test the FX kite while in Cairns this month, and last month, for a few weeks back to back. Eventually I bought one!
The FX is a great kite, which in my view replaces the Switchblade. I've had Switchblades since 2008 and they've been a great kite up until 2013 when things went stupid with the depower system.
However, it seems Cabrinha have ended the Switchblade this year and have rebadged it Fx, but it's way better!
I say this because it's soooo easy to ride and I imagine any beginner will love this kite.
It's way better than the North Evo and I think a better build too. I've always loved the Cabrinha valves as they look very heavy duty, and durable plus the foam covers adds some protection from UV and sand which can erode them over time.
It has the depower of a SLE/hybrid kite, and has a tonne of power and handled the high-end really well.
The FX is extremely user-friendly in terms of jumping, offers highly responsive but predictable steering, and generates consistent power. However it still spins slower than a North kite unfortunately, but then again I am not a pro mega looper or anything like that, so I could be doing it wrong. But the compromise is the excellent stability.
When you unhook, the FX feels well mannered in its trim and steering with excellent slack, so it's likely a great choice for those getting started with unhooked moves.
Overall, I recommend this kite as a great freestyle/freeride combo for those that do a little of everything; some big air, kiteloops, casual unhooked freestyle and maybe some wave riding (not sure on that claim from some reviews).
Check it out for more info: www.cabrinha.com/collections/kites/products/fx
Great to hear that you like your kite but Cab still make the Switchblade. Both are awesome this year.
thanks for the review I demoed a 10m last year when they were just released with that odd Nick Jacobsen video. I was surprised the bottom end is so good, not sure if the 12m would be a bit slow, but theoretically should still be faster than a 12m switchy.
but .... does it come with a set of steak knives?