Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

Core Speed Valve 2

Created by pepeman > 9 months ago, 7 Sep 2015
SA, 114 posts
7 Sep 2015 9:15PM
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Just got a new xr3 and after first pump up and pack up noticed that the two lugs in the speed valve to locate pump hose, is really only one lug and a bit of a bump for lug on the other side.
Unfortunately I didn't look inside speed valve first.
The speed valve is working ok ie sealing and inflating kite after more tests thank god.
Did I break a lug or is this normal ?
Could someone please check out if their speed valve has two equal size lugs please.

shi thouse
WA, 1146 posts
7 Sep 2015 9:47PM
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Hey Pepe

Just checked my XR3 and yes both lugs are of equal size.

SA, 114 posts
8 Sep 2015 5:56PM
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Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"Core Speed Valve 2" started by pepeman