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Core XR lovers.....

Created by shi thouse > 9 months ago, 4 Jun 2019
shi thouse
WA, 1145 posts
4 Jun 2019 8:21PM
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Going by the marketing blurb it looks hard to tell it apart from XR5. Same materials, characteristics, write up....looks the same. Bet you price is not the same.

WA, 1019 posts
4 Jun 2019 10:54PM
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I'm probably the biggest Core fanboi around, i fall into the super heavy weight kiter category so i know they are genuinely bomb proof, great kites but geez they've really OD'd on the marketing BS this time

Most of that promo video really misses the mark, less amarok, sand and flicky flicky and more 20m+ boosts. In saying that, if i had the money i'd buy a new 12m for next summer but that's looking really unlikely at this stage. RRP of almost $3500 for a 12m and new sensor bar... no chance.

"It's T minus 3 and you've lined up the perfect ramp in the distance. It's still a way off yet the anticipation of liftoff is intoxicating. The stars line up, your timing is perfect and you pull hard on your backhand. Where will your XR6 take you? For some, well into the troposphere. And for others, the XR6 will deliver a never-ending rocket ride"

"Intelligent Arc is a bridle configuration that modifies the airfoil on demand in a linear and direct way. Like a bird that spreads its wings to generate more lift, the XR6 increases its wingspan with a pull on the bar. Likewise, sheeting out makes the kite fold in its wings and depower. Intelligent Arc helps you rip upwind, extends your float time, and cushions your landings"

"Don't believe us? Ask Maarten Haeger and Ross-Dillon Player who recently went interstellar sending their XRs. Maarten's vacation turned surreal when he smashed the 30m barrier with an amazing 10 storey high jump on January 2nd, 2019. Now, it's your turn to break some personal bests with the new XR6"

"Just imagine a kite that practically anticipates every turn, as if it's hot-wired to your brain"

NSW, 484 posts
5 Jun 2019 1:27PM
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Kite looks good, although unsure what changes have actually been made to previous iteration..

More interested if they will ever do away with the dodgy twist release on the bar. The bar otherwise is a fine piece of engineering. The ceramic bearing swivel is a work of art... Just that QR that is a dud. If you're riding it on a slider rope and need to activate it, it may require two hands as the entire chicken loop on the slider rope will twist, preventing the QR from activating.

WA, 986 posts
5 Jun 2019 12:23PM
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The Price for the XR6 12m and bar isn't 3500???

Depending upon the bar you select. Kite is around $2300 which is about on par with all major brands. The Sensor Bar 2S is $699 which makes it around $3K RRP. I'm sure if you drop into your local Core stockist, you will be able to negotiate a reasonable price


WA, 1019 posts
5 Jun 2019 12:34PM
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Darren, my rrp just came from the Core website so my apologies

Have you guys seen or got them yet? If so do you think its an improvement over the XR5?

WA, 1363 posts
5 Jun 2019 12:56PM
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Best wave kite on the market!

shi thouse
WA, 1145 posts
5 Jun 2019 1:48PM
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WA, 9572 posts
5 Jun 2019 7:13PM
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Someone sent me this. Good review. I like how he mentions the dropping of the low end grunt. One thing I didn't like about them. Gonna demo this one for sure.


QLD, 409 posts
5 Jun 2019 11:59PM
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Really awesome review and wanted to demo one in spite of not having a local Core Dealer but then all of a sudden it seemed "one sided". Guess my view came from the last statement in the video: "If you're not riding this kite, something is wrong with you!"
I'd like to know what other brands/models they have in their "hire shop" they are comparing the XR to.

WA, 986 posts
6 Jun 2019 11:16AM
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MDSXR6T said..
Darren, my rrp just came from the Core website so my apologies

Have you guys seen or got them yet? If so do you think its an improvement over the XR5?

Hey mate,

We have a couple of demo models on their way over to us. Should have them in a week or so. Pity we don't have them now for this weekend

Will let you know when they are available for a demo.


WA, 1877 posts
7 Jun 2019 8:29AM
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Well I lost a kilo and added my own graphics - now my Xr5 jumps like the 6,,, yay
Good onya Core - if it ain't broke - don't fix it.
The 'All seeing Eye' keeps Woo users honest haa haa

NSW, 32 posts
7 Jun 2019 5:37PM
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That was deep!! And I like its hidden conitations.

WA, 1501 posts
7 Jun 2019 9:11PM
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The dream day of my life is demoing back to back:
8m rebel vs 8m XR6 vs 8m Edge in 35+knots. (With 4 metre waves and boots on a heavy rocker board)

If I had the money I would probably buy them all.

WA, 550 posts
17 Jun 2019 2:02PM
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Gazuki said..
Best wave kite on the market!

If you want a wave kite don't get an XR.Demo a Core Nexus.
Had both .Nexus Rules as a wave all round kite.IMO

131 posts
25 Jun 2019 9:39AM
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wishy said..
The dream day of my life is demoing back to back:
8m rebel vs 8m XR6 vs 8m Edge in 35+knots. (With 4 metre waves and boots on a heavy rocker board)

If I had the money I would probably buy them all.

You should add a flysurfer soul to the mix. Like a supercharged version. Of them. Would surprise the hell out of you. Ah just noticed the waves bit. Maybe not in the waves. But then none of those kites are really wave kites. So who knows?

WA, 1877 posts
25 Jun 2019 1:11PM
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Bossstyle said..

wishy said..
The dream day of my life is demoing back to back:
8m rebel vs 8m XR6 vs 8m Edge in 35+knots. (With 4 metre waves and boots on a heavy rocker board)

If I had the money I would probably buy them all.

You should add a flysurfer soul to the mix. Like a supercharged version. Of them. Would surprise the hell out of you. Ah just noticed the waves bit. Maybe not in the waves. But then none of those kites are really wave kites. So who knows?

All of those kites can roll around in storm swell waves that 35 knots brings.. the Soul would drown in no time.. if you hit the Soul safety in gusty 35 - it will self destruct..
So definitely inflatable weather

WA, 986 posts
26 Jun 2019 12:29PM
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Hi Guys,

We are now sitting on two demo Core XR6's in 8m and 10m.

Here is the thing with Core, Flysurfer and also Ozone. They don't release a new model every year. In the case of Core, they deliver a new XR every two years. Having more time to design, explore new materials and properly R & D a kite means they aren't rushed to market. This usually means that a new model has significant improvements, even if you can't see them visually. A lot of improvements can be really subtle but may have a big effect on stability, performance or durability.

Time to demo one hey? Then write your own review


WA, 1501 posts
26 Jun 2019 11:03PM
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WA, 1363 posts
27 Jun 2019 8:22AM
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wishy said..

perfect timing!

WA, 239 posts
1 Sep 2019 1:13PM
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Hi, going to try and do my first review in 15 years.

Small intro, kiting since 04, intermediate level for twin tips and waves. Boosting has been my main like from day 1.

On the Duotone Rebels last year and Core XR5 for 2 years before that. Get out most days.

Now taking a look at the new XR'6s. Plenty of hype but does it pan out and it it worth changing back for me. Was very lucky and scored 2 brand new kites to demo from AKS Balcatta.

Build as expected, Right up there with the top brands. Only small gripe I have is the bag size. Could be a touch bigger IMO. Love their pump attachment deflate system same as the 5's. Hose locks in there tight and no mechanics other than the small deflate device in the pocket on the middle strut. The bearings in the bar are super smooth, same as the 5's. Was using their carbon bar. Feels lighter, apparently the lines are thinner, stronger and they feel like they are coated in wax. Same poly cover on the centers through the bar. The bar on the 5 was sweet. This feels that bit better.

Got it up in the air around 20 knts. My first impression, lighter on the bar than the 5's. Set all pig tails to wave for max speed and into it on a 135 Duotone Select. Wind strength gradually picked up from there. Around 25knt , as you would expect, it started to show it's real potential.

First thing I noticed was the power deliver out of turns. I felt the 5's had a lag after turning back aggressively. Threw my timing off after coming of the Rebels. They've definitely tweaked something as it's straight on after a tack to the point it caught me out a couple of times. Turning feels quicker, could be the tweak that's made the difference.

This kite has some serious grunt. If eventually picked up to high 20's. Felt completely comfortable sending it fully lit in that strength.

Tried the 8 the next day, unfortunately wind dropped and didn't get a chance to really test it out.

IMO the XR5's were a great kite, however the refinements to the 6 make it a winner for me.

WA, 9572 posts
1 Sep 2019 2:38PM
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Yep I didn't like that lag either on the 5 hence kept riding my 2017 rebel. Nice pick up hosh.

Man I hope this kite can replace my weary old 10m rebel.

What rebel year have you been riding lately?

WA, 239 posts
1 Sep 2019 7:38PM
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eppo said..
Yep I didn't like that lag either on the 5 hence kept riding my 2017 rebel. Nice pick up hosh.

Man I hope this kite can replace my weary old 10m rebel.

What rebel year have you been riding lately?

Coming off the 19 rebs Eppo.

I was really surprised with the 6. Didn't have to make one adjustment.

Hanging for a strong day to test the 8.

WA, 1877 posts
1 Sep 2019 10:27PM
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Haaa yeah we were at Woodies playing in the 40 knot gusts on the Xr5 & 6 9m ... I suppose you would need at least 60 knots for the 8m before you get out of bed

Custom tune your bar an Y split if you want to make the kite perform better - but if you dont know how to or too lazy, they will sell it to you as an upgrade next year, clever marketing

WA, 9572 posts
2 Sep 2019 7:56AM
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So lower the Y ? I'd be using the click bar on it anyway. I only use one size anyway .. 10m. Every thing else I use wave kites now. Don't like boosting on anything less to be honest.

WA, 1877 posts
2 Sep 2019 9:01AM
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Click bar has an adjustable Y...
1. set to standard core position
2. take note of line lengths
3. the important distance is from the kite to the "Y" split NOT the bar
4. play with Y split up / down 1m to understand difference and fine tune to your style
5. The XR is a very under rated kite just waiting to be tuned..

Core actually explain this on their website but for average joe - Education is important but kitesurfing is Importanter

WA, 9572 posts
2 Sep 2019 12:38PM
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Yeh know all about Y lengths been riding north kites remember for years trying different Y lengths. Be interesting to play around for sure.

WA, 1877 posts
3 Sep 2019 7:37AM
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Its funny that most people will not try adjusting anything on their bars, on the leading edge they get excited about a 1 cm bridal knot move lol - meanwhile we can play a meter this way or that way.

For the Noobs..
The Y point is like a Sports mode on a car..
If you want to Turbo charge it - get a longer bar..

The Foil board guys are all over this stuff - realising the huge benefits in handling and performance lol its about time

291 posts
3 Sep 2019 7:43AM
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SaveTheWhales said..
Its funny that most people will not try adjusting anything on their bars, on the leading edge they get excited about a 1 cm bridal knot move lol - meanwhile we can play a meter this way or that way.

For the Noobs..
The Y point is like a Sports mode on a car..
If you want to Turbo charge it - get a longer bar..

The Foil board guys are all over this stuff - realising the huge benefits in handling and performance lol its about time

Hmmmmm, Great to get a experts take on it.

All too often you get the knobs on here taking the p%#ss out of people trying to give a genuine opinion.

Keep up the good work champ.

291 posts
3 Sep 2019 7:45AM
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Hmmmmm, BTW let me know next time you're
just playing around in 40 knts on a 9 so I can come watch a real pro at work.

WA, 1877 posts
3 Sep 2019 1:10PM
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MrFreeze said..
Hmmmmm, BTW let me know next time you're
just playing around in 40 knts on a 9 so I can come watch a real pro at work.

Jump on a plane to Perth when you see the next big storm steam roll through... there's a group of us at Woodies and a few more strewn along the coast who crank hard in the Gnarly stuff...
Most times everything goes well

WA, 9572 posts
3 Sep 2019 2:50PM
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yeh freeze, save the whales is a well known critical storm chaser, big booster around these parts...

How are you by the way, long time no hear?


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"Core XR lovers....." started by shi thouse